Sister Caught - Cover

Sister Caught

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: Alex thought she had the house to herself for a few hours. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to masturbate without the fear that someone might walk in on her, and she was determined to make the most of it. If only people would do what they say they're going to do, especially her fifteen-year-old brother.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

“Hold on, I’d like a word with you two,” Mom told us as we went to get up from the breakfast table. I immediately felt guilty. I couldn’t think of a specific reason why and looked at Tim. He looked just as guilty as me but shrugged his shoulders as if to say, ‘I dunno’. We turned back to Mom who looked faintly amused by our exchange.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad,” she reassured us and I let out the breath I’d unconsciously been holding in.

“As you are no doubt quite aware summer break starts in two weeks--” She had to pause for a brief chorus of yeahing. “Now I’m thinking that you’re old enough now that I won’t have to take time off work to keep an eye on you.”

For reasons that I wasn’t sure of at the time a little buzz of excitement went through me. I tried to keep it from my face. “Sure Mom,” I said calmly and Tim nodded.

“Tell me that I can trust you to behave yourselves and I’m not going to regret this,” she said looking at each of us closely. “Alexandra?” You knew it was serious when she used our full names.

“Absolutely,” I assured her.


“No problem,” he answered.

“OK,” she said, still eyeing us warily. “Don’t make me regret this.”

It wasn’t much later that I put a finger on (pun intended!) what it was that had excited me about them leaving us alone. At eighteen I was not a virgin. My first time was about a year earlier at a party, and it won’t surprise you to hear that it was also the first time I tried alcohol. He was cute and very gentle as he felt me up, and I was horny and bored of wondering what it was like. It was nice enough: a knee trembler against the wall with my skirt up around my waist and my panties down around one ankle. I didn’t cum, but I liked it well enough to know that, with the right guy and in the right circumstances, I’d very much like to put that right.

I’d dated a few guys since but, for one reason or another, hadn’t done the deed again. I was a normal horny teenage girl though and I’d been masturbating for years. I loved it but ... there was a constant sense of frustration at the restraints I had to impose on myself: huddled under the covers in case someone came in, having to stifle the cries and moans that I desperately wanted to make, and having to keep the volume turned down on the porn I watched.

Those first few days of the holidays were lovely. Mom insisted that we got up at the same time as them so we could all breakfast together but, after that, the days were our own. I didn’t do all that much, just thoroughly enjoyed not being at school. It was Thursday that I was really looking forward to. Thursday was when Tim did his radio-controlled car racing: I’d have three lovely hours all to myself!

I was already trembling a little as I got everything ready: a box of tissues to clean up afterward and a little bottle of lube just in case. It was a very rare luxury to be able to get completely naked and sit in front of the big screen on my desk with my feet up on the chair and my legs spread wide. Even though I’m not gay I’m really into girl/girl porn and the first video I pulled up was one of my favorites: two amateur straight girls persuaded to try some lesbian action during a calendar photoshoot.

The other joy of having the house to myself was being able to have the sound turned up so that I could hear what they were saying properly.

You can never be quite sure with porn but either it was genuine or the girls were incredibly good actors. Rachel’s expressions while Victoria licks her pussy for the first time are so beautiful and stunningly erotic.

Anyway, I was already a little moist just from anticipation, and, as the girls were kissing, I was rubbing gently over my clit hood and up and down my lips, feeling the wetness building inside me but denying myself actual penetration until they began sixty-nining.

I slipped an arm around my leg and slipped two fingers inside, sighing audibly as the need to be filled that I’d been feeling was suddenly getting satisfied. I tweaked my aching nipples and stroked my breasts, adoring the way I could give full reign to pleasuring my body.

I was very close to cumming but I needed something a little more ... hetero, so I opened a video of girls cumming while being fucked hard. I had two fingers of one hand flashing in and out of my pussy and my other hand rubbing my clit, getting closer and closer in sympathy with the girl on screen as she was plowed brutally from behind. As she got close I added a third finger, loving the way it stretched me to the point of just a little pain. She began to cum and I threw my head back and closed my eyes as I teetered on the edge, my back arched right up and my legs spread wide. Loud high-pitched squeals and gasps were coming from my throat as I desperately tried to achieve what I knew would be a spectacular release. Then something made me open my eyes.

There, standing to my left and looking directly at my groin, was Tim. He was staring right at my cunt. I’d never even been so swollen and wet and inflamed, and here was my little brother staring right at me! A massive thrill went through me and, with a mixture of horror and joy, I began to cum!

I tied to cover my pussy but my hands just stimulated me even more. Nobody had ever seen me like this, at my most vulnerable and exposed, but his expression was one of pure love and ... awe I think. It drove me to another level of arousal and I opened my legs wide and pulled my fingers out so that he could see everything, and kept stroking my clit until I began to cum again.

The first massive convulsion pushed my hips even wider and higher and a little squirt of fluid escaped. I couldn’t take my eyes off Tim’s face which had an expression of wonderment combined somehow with both innocence and lust.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl and it was a few seconds before my lust befuddled brain persuaded my fingers to stop their magical work. I screamed a little and cupped my sex with one hand while using my other arm to cover my breasts.

“Please Tim, don’t look,” I begged, trying desperately to stop it, but it was like trying to stop an avalanche. The hand covering my pussy was pressing on my clit and my other arm was brushing my aching nipples, and I shuddered violently again. The way his wide, entranced eyes were drinking in my wanton nakedness was pushing all my buttons and then I glanced down and saw the bulge in his shorts! Instantly another wave forced a grunt from between my lips and made my whole body quake again.

I didn’t know if it was several orgasms or one huge one but, with him watching me, I wasn’t sure they’d ever stop.

“Please Tim, please leave.” I implored him, but it was like he was deaf, and he showed no sign of having heard me. Still, I continued to shudder as my orgasm defied my silent pleas and just went on and on. And all the time my little brother continued to watch me cum.

Finally, he seemed to regain his senses. He looked up at my face. “Sorry, I thought you might like this,” he said softly and put a bottle of soda on my desk before turning and leaving.

As soon as he closed the door all I felt was a huge sense of loss: something in me had absolutely loved having him see me like that, and I had a sudden mad urge to call him back. Just the thought of it made my vagina clench hard. Then I remembered the bulge and, before I could stop myself, I imagined what it would feel like inside me. Instantly my pussy was alive and hungry again. Jesus fuck! I thought as I realized that I had a massive crush on my little brother!

I didn’t dare go near him for the rest of the day and over dinner and then breakfast we were both so quiet that Mom commented on it. We were equally mono-syllabic in our excuses and in the end Mom just sighed and tried to talk to Dad instead.

She had one last try before she went off to work. “So, what are you two going to be up to today?”

“I’m going over to Mona’s,” I replied: a spur-of-the-moment decision.

“All day?” she pressed.

“Yeah, probably,” I answered, looking down at my plate.

“And you?”

“Games ... online,” Tim replied, somewhat grudgingly.

“OK, see you later,” she said, getting up and kissing us both on top of the head. As soon as she’d gone Timmy ran off up to his room. I considered following him but just at the thought of it, my body started to respond.

I did go around to my friend Mona’s place but it didn’t really work: my mind kept going back to Timmy, and Mona asked me several times if I was OK. In the end, I made my excuses and left.

As I walked home I convinced myself that I had to talk to him: ‘We did nothing wrong but it can’t happen again’ sort of thing. My body disagreed completely but that was the way it had to be.

I went to his room but it was empty so I carried on to mine and found Tim asleep on my bed. It looked like he’d dropped off while hugging my pillow to his chest with the T-shirt that I slept in wrapped around it and pressed against his face.

I thought it was just about the cutest thing I’d ever seen. He’d clearly wanted to feel close to me, to smell my scent, and to imagine holding me like that. I actually felt a pain in my heart I was so overcome with emotion.

Without even thinking I put my arm on his shoulder, wanting to wake him so that I could kiss him. I felt him tense and then start to shake. For a moment I thought he was laughing and then, at the first rasping breath, I realized he was crying.

He obviously thought I’d caught him and was angry. Maybe he thought that he’d somehow ruined things between us.

“Timmy, it’s OK,” I said soothingly as I snuggled up behind him and put an arm around him. His sobs just got worse: huge wet, awful-sounding gasps that made his whole body shake.

I held him as tight as I dared. “Timmy, it’s fine. Really.” But he was inconsolable. I could hear the scratching in his throat as his bawling tore at it.

“Please stop, Timmy,” I begged, but it was no use. In desperation I tried the only thing I could think of to convince him I wasn’t upset at him: I cupped his groin with my hand. He was soft, of course. but the effect was immediate: his crying turned off like a tap.

“I’m so sorry,” he sniveled. “I just wanted to feel close to you.”

“I know. I know,” I said soothingly and I softly kissed the back of his neck.

“You’re really not angry?” he asked querously.

“No,” I whispered to him. “I thought it was ... lovely.”

Under my hand, I felt his penis start to twitch and grow and my clit responded in kind.

“Timmy,” I said, sitting up so that I could look at him. He turned to face me and his red, teary eyes clutched at my heart. “We can’t ... fuck--” The way his face crumpled at that point nearly broke my heart; I knew exactly how he felt. “But we can ... play.”

“Can I watch you again?” he asked. “Please? It was so, so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I could hear the desperation and hope in his voice.

It wasn’t as if we’d be having sex, I rationalized it. I loved having him watch me and he loved watching me, so what was the harm. As long as there was no touching involved that would be OK, wouldn’t it? Just thinking about it again made my clit swell and pulse: I don’t think I’d ever wanted anything more.

“Yes,” I replied with a little smile when his face lit up with joy. “But this time I want to see you too,” I added with a little squeeze of what now felt like a very nicely sized erection.

I rolled away from him and stood beside the bed. With badly shaking hands I began to undo the buttons on my blouse.

“Now?!” he said incredulously with a huge silly grin on his face.

“Well, you look ready,” I said, looking meaningfully at the tent in his tracksuit bottoms. “And I’m feeling pretty much the same.”

Just baring my breasts to him again made me tremble and I fumbled at my jeans in my desperation to get naked for him again.

When I stood before him in just my panties I could see his dick bending under the pressure of being contained by his pants. I put my fingers into my waistband, grinned at the way his eyes jutted out on stalks, and then paused.

“Hey, no fair. I get to see you too.” I reminded him. Without taking his eyes off me he pulled the shirt off over his head and then together we pushed down our final garments.

I don’t claim to have been an expert at the time but I thought his cock looked beautiful. It was so hard it was pressed against his belly and his balls were tight and had only a thin covering of hair. My clit was going wild and the muscles of my vagina were squeezing down as if needing something to grip on.

I rearranged the pillows and sat next to him on the bed, trying to ignore the feeling of our bare arms touching. I heard him gasp as I opened my legs, and my whole pussy seemed to lurch as he pulled back his foreskin and I saw his shiny helmet for the first time.

I was very, very wet and I smeared it all over my pussy lips and clit hood while watching his fingers make his cock dance as he caressed the taught skin of his knob. Fighting down the urge to reach over and touch it, I had to satisfy myself by playing with my nipples which were hard and aching.

His movements became more urgent, his whole hand wrapping around the shaft and pumping just around the ridge below the glans. I loved watching him and I had to dip two fingers into my vag and rub over my clit, wanting to keep pace with him.

The sight of that seemed to spur him on and he cupped his balls, his hand moving faster. Neither of us could keep our hips still and our bare thighs kept brushing together. ‘No touching’ I repeated silently to myself even as his hot skin brushing against mine turned me on even more.

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