A story in the The Mists of Aphrodisia Universe
Julie is a 26 year old successful lawyer who is with the love of her life, Antoine. Her fantasy of Antoine's younger brother and a bisexual incest filled night is just the treat. Could that brotherly love help Antoine pop the question?
When Tom takes his 14 year old daughter out for a special dinner to announce that he's thinking of asking his girlfriend, Stacy, to get married, Larissa's reaction isn't at all what he expects. But the real surprise comes when he tries to soothe his baby girl's wounded feelings.
Kathryn and her son and his girfriend go on a vacation together. Since the girlfriend was added at the last moment, there was no time to get two room. The three of them are in one room and then the fun starts / (Reviews)
An Uncle Bob Story Megan is so happy that she's finally old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. She's even looking forward to wearing the skimpy costumes. But even though she's hung around the place for years, there are secrets she's not aware of. Her curiosity about one secret gets her WAY more than she bargained for. The result is, Megan gets very, very wet.
Friends and neighbors, they get together on Fridays. For years, they've spent the evenings with refreshment, talking, playing board games and cards. Their children, also friends, hang out together at another home. How's that going to work when things change?