A teen learns that she loves her dad very much, even after he rapes her continuously for days. She loves him so much in fact, that she uses her 'newly-found-love-for-sex' to get him a better paying job.
My spouse and I like to watch other people having sex. We're not pushing anyone into anything, but there are some possibilities we'd like to explore. Heads up: there's a little mm in this story in Chapter Five, but it's clearly marked so you can skip it if you want. Some of the characters have the same names as in my other stories, but they're not the same people. I like the names, that's all. There is some overlap in themes, however. This is a fantasy. It never happened! (To me, anyway.)
A Swimming with Kate Story (2) What do you do when your daughter, the one with a stick figure who loves being held and tickled and massaged and wrestled with, starts to sprout curves? One solution is to continue gooping her up with sunscreen. Brushing her hair helps, too.
13-year-old Chloe is home alone, on the couch masturbating, while she has phone sex with a guy she's met on the internet. She doesn't hear her father come in but he can't help but to hear her lewd words, and then see what she is doing. End of phone sex; this could be the start of something big.
This story is a parody of the Encyclopedia Brown mysteries. I'd be the first person to admit that I can't write short two or three page mysteries the way Donal J. Sobol does, but at least I can take his characters, age them a few years, and then put them in adult/sexual situations. This should be a fairly short story for me, and after it's done I'll start working on a new Ben 10 story or another Jason story, but in the meantime enjoy this one.
A story in the "Jennifer, Sex Governess" Universe
The corruption of Jennifer, a 22-year-old sex governess, continues under the direction of Charles Mansker. She was hired to be the Manskers' sexual play thing and to train their children sexually. She doesn't disappoint, but she does almost everything else. The title is a big clue.