Sometimes you're not even looking. Sometimes you're just bumping along in life and something different drops into your life and you find out that things unexpected can be quite wonderful. Barry's daughter thinks Barry might benefit from a little companionship. He doesn't buy into HER idea, but what happens in spite of him takes off in a whole different direction.
An Uncle Bob Story When Bob gets his new camera he's thinking about who he might get to model for him when his niece drops by for a visit. She's there to get money from him to buy a sexy present for her mother, and it turns out that what she wants to get would look GREAT in a photograph. Can Bob get her to model for him? And if he can, what will that lead to? / (Reviews)
A D-Hopping Universe Story
Doug Smith has presented his Ambassadorial Credentials to the UN. Now his associates, four full-time lovers, two part-time lovers, and Doug have to begin his Multiverse Mission - changing Earth's social structures and convincing Earth's people that they need to join the Multiverse.
Charlie was a special operator. Not the kind you hear about on TV, but one of the Air Force's offerings. Jacks of all trades, and Masters of each and every one of them, the members of the Para Rescue teams of the USAF are all that AND all the bags of chips. ** I left this story in one large piece, sorry, but I didn't see a need to break it into chapters since it seemed to defy the attempt. Please enjoy, and remember, fiction has no bounds. **
Valerie is tired of painting landscapes, so she asks her son and then her daughter to pose for her... nude. The passion builds in the artist and her models until something has to give. What gives is his cock and it keeps on giving, knowing both women are protected. Or are they? / (Reviews)
Bobby Brandel owns his dead grandmother's house and rents it out.Several years ago, he rented it to a woman who became his wife. Widowed now, can it happen for him again, or will there be too much trouble?
A 'Transdimensional Portals' Book (4) Book 4 in my 'Transdimensional Portals' series. It tells of the adventures of Chad Douglas, a Black youth from a Chicago ghetto, who stows away on an illegal expedition to a world of another dimension. Along the way, he finds adventure, love and riches along with friends and enemies.
A Swarm Cycle Story
A direct follow on to Woolly Wilds. Set in Thinking Horndog's Swarm Cycle Universe, a family has been 'collected' but they didn't quite realise the consequences. This is the continuing story of Llew Carter, Confederacy Intelligence. / (Reviews)