Matt is a typical teenage boy and when a hot chick offers him a ride, he talks her into parking under the stars, never realizing that she might actually be from one of them. Well, to be fair about it, the boy had his mind on other things.
Mrs O was the lady down the block, strange and disliked and feared; she was different. He felt that way until he lost his ball one day in her garden and really discovered her. He was never the same.
Arthur Braithwaite has been cuckolded and divorced, so he has retreated to an obscure central European state to lick his wounds and live cheaply. He really has no intention of getting involved in correcting human rights abuses...
A LT's Life Cycle Story (4) Discovering how to live forever. I'll not spoil this story by spelling everything out in the tags. If you aren't comfortable with twists and turns, don't read this, but it contains only consensual adult love.
Matilda Boyd had a very comfortable life. Millie liked her husband well enough, but she simply adored his bank account. Feeling neglected while he was away on his many business trips, she had to find love where she could get it. In a thrift store, she meets a lovely young bi-curious girl. After she discovers the girl's astounding secret, a series of bad choices threaten to totally destroy Millie's rich cozy lifestyle!
Hard Science Fiction mixed with Romantic Love and Sex. What more is there? (Sorry, no war here!)
The gentle push of the single plasma thruster at minimum power was nearly imperceptible to the two teenage lovers.
Jabin broke their kisses for a moment, “Pilot, continue hot fire for five minutes, then rerun diagnostics.”
He went back to kissing Atarah.
I ran out on my wife after twenty years together. The guilt I felt was awful. I knew that I could never go back and I didn't want to. until She tracked me down and coerced me into returning.