Clair and Cliff Huxtable are doing what married couples do, when their teenaged daughter barges in. A problem? Of course not; it's a chance for Mom to provide a few lessons.
A clever teenage girl suddenly starts performing poorly in her school work. Her mother seeks a pyschiatrist's help. What follows is improvement in her school work and wild incestuous fun with her dad
After catching my uncle playing with my young girl's panties, he jerked off into my face. I didn't appreciate it and I plotted with my dad to get even with him. What ended up happening was weirder than anything I could have imagined and had little to do with revenge. Another fun story from the Megan Universe.
Paul's scheduled for a vasectomy and needs to shave his groin as part of the prep. He cuts himself, and his daughter Lisa offers to help. Turns out she's shaved too, and by the time she gets done with him she wants to compare. It would be a shame to waste his last load of sperm... wouldn't it? / (Reviews)
All through rural America small towns are drying up and blowing away. The small town of Lesserton has found a way to prosper under these hard economic conditions. All it took was three men's will to attract the right kind of people to a place willing to ignore convention.
18 yo virgin, having trouble with his girlfriend, slowly is attracted to his 35 yo mother. His beautiful mother who seems to never have sex... Then he learns she's only slept with two men in her life, his father and... Will Bobby become the third? Will he learn the secret? And will he ever be able to fill the Marine uniform that his father once wore? / (Reviews)
A story in the Not a White Knight in LA Universe
As the story starts, David Barnes is greeted by his two women after he arrives at home after the most unusual contract closing of his life. Sam has mind-fucked him and he has two problems: 1) he enjoyed it, and 2) when she does it again she wants some sweet company for the exercise. Chapter 1 deals with how Barnes moves from the first closing to the second. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the events of the second closing. Avanti and Excalibur fans, take note. Note: there is father-daughter incest.