This is the fourth Katie R story and it's one of my very faovirtes. it has everything. George Jones, Pred and the Predtones, an 80 person gang bang and so much more. I think it's real funny and one that most people really like.
A girl gets in trouble at school. Her teacher offers her an alternative to a spanking. Will she do it? And will she bring her younger sister into it? Find out,
Kerry is a happily-married woman, professional, upwardly mobile, and ready to start a family. But, she can't get a memory from her childhood in Johannesburg out of her head. Meant to be a flash piece, ran a bit long.
This is a fanfic of the Hard Times by Amanda Serve. It tells the tale of what could have happened if things had went differently while Savannah Danville was in the Teen Detention Center. / (Reviews)
This story doesn't represent any actual feelings on my part. I do not condone any type of sexual assault. This is purely fantasy. And no,I do not hate women.