After a masturbation session, Will goes to wash her hands in the bathroom, only to find her mother sitting on the toilet. After her mother tells her she'll be done soon and she should go about her business, Will finds herself strangely attracted to the sounds and smells of her mother, and decides to act on them.
Clarissa's relationship with her parents enters a new phase. Can she learn to become an equal partner in their relationship? Can she navigate the adult swinging world and be part of a polyamorous relationship? This might be Clarissa's wildest year yet.
A Story in the The Anomaly Universe
Paul had never believed that he could qualiify for passage aboard the Interplanetary Space Ship Intrepid on its mission across the Kuiper Belt to investigate the unknown entity known as the Anomaly that lies beyond the edge of the Solar System. Neither has anyone who has ever met him. But notwithstanding his evident unsuitability, Paul and his new wife Beatrice are passengers on a voyage beyond the solar ecliptic in the company of the Solar System's most expert scientists.
The girlfriend rents a bondage flick. They watch it and she talks him into trying it, but they have two unexpected visitors... and unexpected complications!
Mission: Submission
A woman curious about domination and submission gives her partner control of her sexuality for an evening. He orchestrates a psychological and sensual foray into sexual realms she's never experienced, including the unexpected participation of another woman. No pain besides the agony of feverish desire.