A plump middle-aged woman explores online BDSM after a nasty divorce. She is approached by a man calling himself Master. But she doesn't know if she will be acceptable to him. Will he want a pudgy, 35-year-old woman with no experience? Can she be the submissive she yearns to be?
A Victorian era girl is caught masturbating by her mother. Frantic that her daughter would do such a thing, she calls in the family doctor to help find a cure. Being at the height of the Victorian age however, the doctor proceeds to suggest a few, rather unorthodox options. That is, plenty of edging and chastity belt play.
My girlfriend and dad conspired to punish me for failing at school. As a result, I ended up grounded at home for one week after getting spanked and watching my girlfriend have sex with dad. Having mom at home all the time made it all worthwhile. We developed a mainly anal, incestual relationship that blew dad's mind away. At the end we were ready to collect our prize.
I was fourteen when I gave my first blow job. From there it wasn't all that big of a leap to losing my virginity after which I had sex with my boyfriend as often as possible. When I found out he would be moving away I wanted to give him something to remember. I bet he still has some fond memories whenever he looks at the results of this day!