An Episode in The Pact Series
In the summer between their Junior and Senior years of high school three young men make a pact to handle their sexual supply problems by seducing each other's mothers. That's just the start... / (Reviews)
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (13) Trisha's plan to break up Dan and Karen is put into action. Wendy visits, anxious to find out if Dan and Karen are still a couple. Dan is needed by Joyce to bowl for her team in the mid season tournament..."She'd practically kill me if she caught us fucking. You'd have to go by about five." "Don't worry, I'll take a cab and be gone before she arrives," Trisha reassured him, _"This is going to be so much fun, her catching us fucking in bed. Dan, I love big diamond engagement rings."_
A TXLT2 Story (6) TXLT2 goes international as they go on tour in Europe. Beneath the concerts, safe sex lectures and of course non-stop sex, the Anderson kids have a more pressing mission as they seek to complete a rendez-vous with the not so deceased Dr. Lewis.
A Kara Radcliffe Story [10th in the 'Kara' series] Kara likes to be watched. She won't get naked in public, nor will she go out wearing exceptionally revealing clothing, but Kara does like to show off at home, especially for workmen or visiting friends.