Trish Bousquet, a spoiled rich heiress and shameless party girl, pushes her luck one time too many when she decides to transport cocaine on a dare. She lands in the island of Santa Eduviges, is arrested, and enters the island's penal system as a naked collared slave. When she discovers there is no escape from her servitude, she accepts her new life of loving, satisfying, and serving the woman who bought her.
A Keeping the Womenfolk In Line Story (7) This story was originally titled "Your Face would look good between my legs". It belongs in my "Keeping the Womenfolk in line" series.
They are all stand-alone stories of a certain genre.
This story begins with Karen and her son down on their luck. They are forced to stay with Karen's sister Betty.
Betty lives in the trailer park with her family and tends to walk around naked. She also earns her money working as an escort out of her trailer. Involves BDSM - Humiliation- Incest (see codes)
An wet and wild amusement ride leaves Emma quite exposed. The events stimulates her and her husband into other daring dates. When a policeman stumbles upon them, Emma and her emotions twist and turn in the wind.
Capitallia - Minds, Markets and Class Privilege.
Set in Falconer's Capitallia, someone is subverting the political process. Set in the year 2136, this story of intrigue concentrates on the unintended consequences of controlling society's lowest strata.
A Incest Theme Stories Story (11) Philip and Mary have three grown children who are all married but so far there have been no grandchildren. Philip is convinced that the daughter and daughters-in-law "don't get it" and he finally decides to take matters into his own hands.
This is the first erotic story I wrote in almost 10 years, penned in the summer of 2001. Again involves a massage parlor -- OK, so I have a bit of a fetish, admittedly.