As a professional Dominatrix, I'm rather well-accustomed to leading a double life. When my secret is discovered by my father, however, I quickly realize that I'm not the only member of my family with a taste for the perverse! Our little reunion was to become the perfect opportunity to clean out the closets of our past and start our lives anew. BDSM isn't merely a choice of lifestyle, it's a philosophy.
I bought the bikinis on a whim. Actually, it was the towels that caught my eye and made me stop, but the bikinis were there, too, at the sidewalk vendor's stall. And I was in a hurry, so I didn't examine things very much. I trusted the girl working there to offer me information I should have sought out. Anyway, I bought matching bikinis for my wife and daughter. Turned out they were very small bikinis. My wife's reaction wasn't what I expected. My daughter's reaction blew my mind.
A My Girls Story (1) This is an account of a Dad, Mom and twin young teenage cheerleaders girls and their friends. There is tasteful sexual content and descriptions, but the emphasis is on story development and the lives of 2 girls and their family. If you like good stories with erotic content but graphic stroke sex is not the primary reason for reading, try this one. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Smart Girls Universe
The continuing story of next-door neighbors and their off-beat life. Haley's turned sixteen and it's time to be married.
A Carter Security Story (1) Clitorides Award for "Best Erotic Story by a New Author 2023" and second place for "Best Incest Story 2023"
As a young Teenager, Timothy Brown finds himself increasingly alienated by his family. On the day of his sister’s sixteenth birthday, he finally learns the reasons for these drastic changes. This is the story of a young man trying to navigate through life while dealing with neglectful parents and abusive siblings.
A young farm boy comes of age in rural America in the 1950s. A shy boy, who before his fifteenth birthday has never dated and never seen a naked female. He learns the truth about his heritage after a tragic plane crash. His crazy life leads him through a sexual odyssey like none you've seen before. He goes from rags to riches to power, but never forgets where he came from. WARNING: This story contains a LOT OF SEX... The title should give you an idea about the content.
When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.