Naked teen wants to hug her daddy's big tree! It's about the nubile young teen who'd protected her virginity even as she ripened on the California commune where nudity and sexual freedom reigned. About her father who never suspected that a thin membrane of skin between his daughters legs still proclaimed her purity. About the lust that slowly grew in his heart...and brain... and cock!
This story is a parody of the Encyclopedia Brown mysteries. I'd be the first person to admit that I can't write short two or three page mysteries the way Donal J. Sobol does, but at least I can take his characters, age them a few years, and then put them in adult/sexual situations. This should be a fairly short story for me, and after it's done I'll start working on a new Ben 10 story or another Jason story, but in the meantime enjoy this one.
A teen learns that she loves her dad very much, even after he rapes her continuously for days. She loves him so much in fact, that she uses her 'newly-found-love-for-sex' to get him a better paying job.