A New Arcadia Story (1) George finds that the nudist resort he's visiting is actually an academy of higher sex education. On his arrival, he's jacked off by a teenage girl under the tutelage of her mother and by evening, he's asleep in bed with another teenager and her mother after balling them both. Four orgasms in seven hours, and the fun is just beginning...
The Country Store is the story of a young boy coming of age in the rural South. His mother and father own a country store and he's allowed to work there, meeting many interesting people - of whom, some happen to be young country girls.
The story of a young man who was raised on the river and lived all of his life as a river rat. As a commercial fisherman and duck hunting guide, he has no equal. That is until he takes in a 15 year old orphaned niece, who is also a river rat. He likes whiskey, he loves tequila, he loves hooters and he loves sex.
Boys & Girls, the Saga continues, crossing more family lines. This story is a note that I'm not dead yet. And it is a history-making event--Losgud's first follow-up, sequelesque piece. You do need to have read the original "Tandem" to catch all the nuances in this "Extra". If not, smart readers will catch on fast enough.
I discovered my daughter having sex with her cousins, one male, one female. The threesome orgy left their mother, my sister, and I speechless and wondering what to do about our children.
A young construction worker suffers serious injuries when the scaffold he's on crashes to the ground with two more men on it. One man is killed, another has a broken neck, and Stoney has multiple injuries. He starts out with one nurse, then things turn around for him and he adds two more nurses. He meets some friendly teenagers in the trailer park. Those girls are eager to feed him, and even help him regain his pride.