A Devastation Diary Story (13) The Chairman of the East of England Committee has to travel to the Training Centre to see his ex-wife. On the way he encounters another young woman who needs help, but it's not what you might expect.
This story is a parody of the Encyclopedia Brown mysteries. I'd be the first person to admit that I can't write short two or three page mysteries the way Donal J. Sobol does, but at least I can take his characters, age them a few years, and then put them in adult/sexual situations. This should be a fairly short story for me, and after it's done I'll start working on a new Ben 10 story or another Jason story, but in the meantime enjoy this one.
A woman is married to a man who finally admits to her that he is a voyeur and needs the visual excitement of "watching". She allows herself to satisfy his desires but... not to go all the way!