An Uncle Bob Story Uncle Bob just wanted to take a few pictures, and that seemed normal. He was, after all, a professional photographer. But things spiraled out of control and a lot more was exposed than just a little skin. Written to replace another story that was lost.
A sequel to Non Zero Sum Game. What are the wages of Sin? Joey calls her Sin, short for Cindy. This is Ciny's perspective. What payback does she demand?
This is a story I wrote some years ago. It was a writers challenge, to create an erotic story told from multiple points of view. This is the result, I broke it into multiple parts because of the length. It involves an average middle age couple and the sexiest widow you've ever seen.
A The Gigolo Chronicles Story (7) Deborah was referred to me by Heidi, another client of mine. I received her call at home and flew out to San Diego to meet with her. What I found was a woman in dire need of validation...
A short little tale of a man who finds love in an unexpected fashion. This IS NOT a stroke story. If that's what you're expecting--pass this one up. Its slow to start but he gets where he needs to be. It's a slice out of a person's life.
Anthony, a black man, is the odd-job man for an all-woman group of interior designers. One day he falls asleep on the couch and the women get to wondering about what he really looks like. They find out that, and a lot more.