During the middle ages, Elizabeth a baron's daughter, marries Karl, the son of powerful lord. This is the story of their first few days, and nights, together.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (36) Dan's fifty-third birthday celebration goes horribly wrong. A teasing joke with Karen causes them to argue over her not facing her miscarriage. Karen leaves the party yelling they would all be better off if she was dead..."I sure hope Mom doesn't go and do anything stupid like hurting herself. She wouldn't, would she Dad, hurt herself...or possibly even kill herself?" Brad asked tears forming in his eyes. "Right now, Brad...I'm not so sure," he confessed.
Jimmy, Angie, and Jean are celebrating their graduation from high school by taking a day trip on Jimmy's father's boat to the Bermuda Triangle. They get caught in a mysterious storm and are transported back in time 65-75 million years. Join them as they try to cope with being marooned in time with danger on every side. Can they survive? By the way, there are no aliens in this story, but it is an alternate reality.
There are two sides to Derek. Not everyone has two sides. Some have two sides, but none have two sides like Derek. Derek has two sides. Ereka is Derek's other side. There are two sides to Derek. No one has two sides like Derek.
Brother and sister, after making it with each other, decide to seduce their parents and then try to get their parents to seduce each other to try to prevent them from getting a divorce.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (43) On this day, Wendy has her fifteen minutes of fame when she claims her winning lottery ticket. Dan asks Wendy to 'marry' him and they begin a short but sensual honeymoon involving unexpected fun.
Join Jacob Stellinski of Georgia as he goes from free citizen to slave to greatness as the first president of Haven. Jacob is an accomplished gunsmith and inventor, as well as unintentional politician as he leads a secession of a section of Georgia, one of the Confederate States. Of course, Georgia does not want him to succeed in his rebellion, so there is a local war that taxes everybody's resources. There is too much war and too much sex as far as Jacob is concerned. 18 chapters.
The desert crossing of a mother and daughter to find each other after a life separated and living a world apart. They do as strangers via Internet and in the meantime found the love they so much desired.As usual my thanks to Pepere, my editor, for his skills, patience and bon-homie.