An Episode in The Pact Series
In the summer between their Junior and Senior years of high school three young men make a pact to handle their sexual supply problems by seducing each other's mothers. That's just the start... / (Reviews)
Dancing Lady Universe
In the dark corners of humanity an evil exists. Few are brave enough to fight that evil. Join this brave band of modern knights in that fight to save the soul of humanity, if you dare.
A Alex and Samantha Story It was Samantha's first trip to Paris. She was a new clothing buyer and she was completely unprepared for the City of Lights until a chance meeting over coffee led her to find love, success and possibly fulfillment.
A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Jake's C&W Invitational Universe
Country invitation by Jake Rivers. A country boy moves to the big city of Detroit. He misses his family but finds a new friend. Lots of different categories. Don't want to give the story away.
An Erotic Vineyard Mystery (3) A romantic thriller that starts slowly, but the passion builds as the plot unfolds. Sandy Craig is a busy young woman. Her life is all about her work as a reconstructive surgeon and medical partnership. She doesn't have time for a personal life, much less love. Keven Braddock is a well-to-do artist on the rise. Life is his oyster, but something is missing. When they meet, something in their lives change. Now if only things would stop going wrong and getting in the way of them finding happiness. / (Reviews)
A TXLT2 Story (2) A sexually charged Anderson family truly begins their lives in Riverdale as the parents start new jobs and the kids start high school, but somehow sex seems to follow them everywhere they go, even as the oldest daughter stumbles on a decade old mystery and the youngest daughter learns about another side of the sex she loves, craves and needs at the local hospital.