In a post-apocalyptic world a team of breeders is told they screwed up - and not in a good way. Their boss wants to know what happened. They're sure they adhered to the contract by the book. It turns out someone else made the mistake. But now they have to pay for it.
The first part of the tale already submitted (apologies) which describes how an author is taken in by an all female publishing co. in Miami. They manage him as well as his books. He enjoys domination by each in different ways
A Welcome to College Story (1) A pre-frosh gets an unexpected welcome to college during orientation, being drugged and eventually blackmailed for her virgin ass.
Linda is a futanari. As she puts it, she's a grower, not a show-er. She buys a tiny bikini and heads for the beach. Oops! When her boner pops out, she can't get it covered back up! When a young beauty with larceny in her heart sees it, blackmail ensues. Linda's a private detective with somewhat shaky morals. She has the skills to turn the blackmail around! Once Linda learns the crime young Lisa's mother committed, will the virgin love her mom enough to do ANYTHING to keep her out of jail?
[Commission] Slavery at 5th Avenue - A man is looking to buy someone in this modern fantasy but how does the woman really feel about it?... [Commission: featuring dubious consent and modern slavery. A man buys a slave and perhaps its not the worst thing ever for the slave herself? She is on the fence about it herself...]