A playful, tongue-in-cheek story about a VERY naive teenage wife and the sex education her older, worldly neighbor gives her. Most of the sex is in the last chapter. / (Reviews)
Valerie was confused. She had a lot of problems with her own body image and blamed them on her husband and kids. She decided to run away with her first love, the rock star Screaming Steve, and leave all of her problems behind her.
As Eddie Nolan continues his Navy career, now in port and being transferred back to a previous duty station, he is once again involved in making babies, along with having his wife and two daughters giving birth closely together. His buddy Al Tory is also involved and is making some fateful decisions with his wife.
It was bad enough when she told him she wanted a divorce, but worse when he found out that his sons were not even his. Satisfaction came from an unexpected source and it was complete.
The superhero known as Reflector can absorb and redirect any attack, but everyone has a weakness. For heroes with a secret identity, that weakness may be the ones they love.
You work hard over many years to bury a secret obsession, but then everyone's saying that you married a woman who looks like your sister's sister. Maybe something like this might happen next. Apologies for not giving this the print-out/red-pencil treatment.