A young couple is looking for a used car. The girl looks like a porn star and acts accordingly. Even Ed, the happily married salesman, gives in to temptation.
As a man gets older he thinks of what he missed sexually. His wife's wants no part of his suggested lifestyle. Who wins? This is a darker story than I usually write. There is a warning at the beginning of the story.
This is a very dark story. It does not have a happy ending for either main character. It is the story of a guy who tries to be good, but fails because of a cheating wife. This story is not nice. Remember, I warned you.
A Westmouthshire Universe Story
Carol drinks a little too much while her husband and his friend talk business over dinner. She decides to take a slow walk back to the car to try and clear her head. What she finds when she gets there surprises her. How she reacts surprises her even more. This is the first story I had accepted to Ruthie’s Club and was written in 2006. It has since been updated to fit into my Westmouth universe.