Lt Tony Nash RNVR was badly wounded on the return from Dunkirk whilst in command of a commandeered paddle steamer. He was awarded the DSC for gallantry, but he was temporarily unfit for sea service when he left hospital. He was then attached to a special anti-spy unit searcing out Nazi sympathisers whio had entetred Britain under cover of the evacuation.
Ravi (from India) was a work colleague and quite a hopeless one at that. Threatened with the sack he sent his wife Ami to my house to plead his case. This annoyed me so much that I made sexual demands of her - which she loved so much that she stayed and enjoyed herself.
The nerd has finished school and he is enrolled in university. He has a whole swag of super powers that will make life very interesting as he encounters other students, lecturers and admin staff. His girl friend and his lover help him as he fucks his way through his studies.
Cory is well equipped by nature. Married women are fascinated and pleased to experience it. His sex life matures rapidly to everyone's benefit as it twists and turns.
Anne's husband had left her for a blonde he met at a party. So Anne turned to the one person she thought she could count on - her friend Jim. A meeting at the coffee shop to explain what happened leads to dinner together. But dessert is waiting back at her place...
This is the story of how helping my daughter, Katie, keep her vow to remain chaste until marriage led me to violate my own sacred marriage vows. One decision led to another as I descended, bit by bit and drop by drop, from being a moral and faithful wife to committing adultery by fucking Katie's 17 year-old boyfriend in our marital bed – all right in front of Katie.