A handicapped man, in love for the very first time is accused of murdering his wife’s lover. Did he really do it? Could he even do the crime? Read to find out.
True to their promise, I lost count on how many times I climaxed as the afternoon turned to evening. I was a wanton sex slut, and the boys delighted cumming in and on me however they wanted.
This is a prequel of sorts to "Tear It Up," in which you see Dan, Michelle, and Missy get it on in a certain inn, accompanied by a lunch that tastes suspiciously like the cooking of Dan's equally unfaithful wife, Lisa. If you've read "Tear It Up," this story will make more sense, but technically, it could work as a stand alone...technically.
The story describes the accounts of Tom after his discovery of a drug that emulates the response of the female brain to ovulation and enhances it 1000x.
It makes women horny beyond control, releases eggs, makes them pregnant even if on hormonal birth control, numbs the gag reflex and pain of deflowering, among other things.
Tom discovers slowly how to use this drug to make a living, entertain a growing harem, cuckold, and ultimately spread his genes around the world.
Gino Manelli Jr. has worked as his dad's janitorial assistant for the past six years, since graduating from Rivadale High School. Now that his dad's emphysema has progressively worsened, forcing the senior Manelli to retire, Superintendent Edna Nelson promoted Gino to Head Custodian.