Sexy secretary Jennifer is left in the office alone with a big Russian wolfhound. The dog gets a little nosy. Jennifer doesn't like the idea at first, but she warms up to it. (Celeste's score: 10, 9, 8: "Aside from this healthy dose of bestiality, the story also contains humor that runs generally parallel to that in the TV series.") / (Reviews)
A straight-forward doggie dominance tale, but with many twists on the standard tropes. Silvia Joyce learns that a pet owner needs training more than her beautiful husky.
Never worked in a pet shop before? If you're hot and horny and you are not getting enough at home, then a pet shop can provide plenty of horny animals - even a donkey on occasions.
The popular reality show Survivor has made celebrities, out of unknowns. One such contestant is Amber. This is an alternative story about what might have happened had she won the reward challenge that included joining some Australian cowboys for food and a good night's rest.