Harrassed and humiliated in high school, he waits for his chance to get even with the girls who treated him so cruelly back then. Finally, after 5 long years, his day of retribution comes and he can put his plans into action...
Villain Victorious- Fan Fiction universe where the bad guys always win.
Set in an Alternate Universe in which the Rebellion won a pyrrhic victory when they blew up the Second Death Star. The Emperor escaped and the Rebels fleet was decimated. The Rebels now on the run once more, have to go the most unsavory place in the universe to obtain the power cores necessary for rebuilding a space fleet, Korbba the Hutt. Only this Hutt has not fogotten what Princess Leia did to their cousin Jabba.
Some people are raised with the belief that sex is degrading, humiliating, 'a-duty-to-perform' and non-pleasurable. This turns out to be true for some people, BUT others learn that this is not necessarily true, even if they are forced into it by their peers.