Finding Bathsheba - Cover

Finding Bathsheba

Copyright© 2008 by Jonas

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Jack is happily married to the eldest of three sisters. However, his accidental voyeurism of his youngest sister-in-law leads to a series of events that will change his life--and theirs--forever.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Tear Jerker   Cheating   Incest   Sister   InLaws   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Voyeurism   Slow  

"Do you think he'll be awake?" Allison asked, pointing at the clock on the radio. It was just after two in the morning.

"Definitely," Abigail answered. "We vowed we'd never go to bed angry with each other. He'll be awake."

The two had drifted off to sleep, wearied by the emotion of the day and the passion of their lovemaking. When they woke, they knew they had to make some decisions. The news of their sister's pregnancy threw another wrinkle into the relationship, and Abigail knew that if the trio of lovers intended to make things work, they needed to open every door. Before she drifted off to sleep, Abigail was struck with how easy it was to be intimate with Allison. She was as unfaithful as Jack if she continued this furtive relationship with her sister. Not only that, but it was time the three worked out if, when and how they were going to make this relationship public. Their families needed to know, at least.

Abigail pulled into the driveway of her townhouse, and sure enough could see the living room light through the curtains. She turned the car off, but didn't move from the driver's seat.

"It'll be all right, Abbie," Allison soothed. "Jack will understand about you and me. He'll be OK with it."

Abigail sighed. "Of course he will, but that's not what's bothering me." She stopped herself. "Actually, that's part of what's bothering me. I knew he would be waiting up for me to get home, because no matter what happens between us, he loves me enough to sacrifice. I know if I asked him tonight to stop seeing you, he'd do it. Not that I'd ask that, though. I also know he's in there right now, an emotional wreck, wondering what he can do to mend things, hoping for a chance to do so. Of course he will accept our relationship, Allison. That's who he is, and that's what makes me sad. He is so forgiving of me, and I rarely am of him."

"Abigail, he loves you. You love him. You'll work it out."

"You know, Allison. I mentioned unconditional love earlier. You know, the type of love I said I have for you. Well, I learned it from Jack. It's time I really showed it to him." Abigail opened her door and stepped into the cold night air. Allison joined her on the sidewalk. "I'm a hypocrite, Allie. Thank goodness I have you and Jack in spite of myself."

Allison took her hand, and Abigail clung to it as if it were a lifeline. "I love you, Abbie. Let's go move this relationship to the next level."

The two girls walked together towards the house.

Allison could practically feel Jack's mood when she followed Abigail through the door. One glance at the broken man and she burst into tears, desiring to wrap the big guy in her arms and kiss away his pain. But she didn't have time. Abigail beat her to it, immediately straddling his lap on the couch, her hands on his face. She was kissing and apologizing. Over and over again. Each time Jack tried to talk, she cut off his words with a kiss. Allison could only wipe at her tears, and as she moved quietly to sit in the rocking chair, she said a quiet prayer of gratitude. Before her were the two people she loved the most. Watching them showed her just how in love they were with each other, and she hoped she could return even a fraction of that love to each of them.

Soon the physical reconciliation ended, and Abigail slid down beside Jack, one leg still stretched across his lap. She had her head resting on his shoulder as they held each other in a quiet embrace. Allison could see the tear-stained cheeks, but the look on their faces comforted her. Everything would work out. She just knew it.

Abigail broke the silence.

"This has been quite the emotional roller coaster," she stated. Allison saw Jack mimicking her own head nod. "I know it's late, but I think we need to have a long talk. We have a lot to discuss and a lot of decisions to make."

"It is late," Jack agreed. "I'm assuming you've told your parents that Allison..." He clamped shut when he saw the looks from both girls.

"We also told them you'd take her to school in the morning," Abigail said as she poked him in the ribs. "Now, we need to start with the first, most pressing issue." Just like that, Abigail had taken charge. Allison absolutely admired that quality in her sister. So self assured. She hoped she would be able to have that ability someday.

Jack sighed. "Yes, the pregnancy. It's only two more months. I think we should..."

Abigail waved her hand to dismiss his comment. "Of course we'll talk about that, too, but we need to focus on a more pressing issue. For this one, Jack, honey, you just need to listen. No comments unless we ask for them or until we're done talking." Jack motioned like he was zipping his mouth shut.

Allison smiled, his simple joviality easing some of the anxiety she felt at the moment.

Abigail took a deep breath. "Thank you, baby. Now, first some questions. Jack, do you love me? By love, I mean intimate, unconditional love." He nodded emphatically. "Do you love Allison?" With a glance at the younger girl, he nodded again, equally emphatic. Allison felt her heart flutter. Abigail turned to Allison.

"Allison, do you love Jack?" Allison wanted to scream out the affirmative, but instead followed Jack's lead, nodding with resolve.

Abigail pushed away from Jack so she could look him in the eye. She looked between Jack and Allison. "And I love you, Jack. That's two women who love you, fella, and who would do anything for you. Two women who want to be with you, in every way. You profess to feel the same way about us. Therefore, I need to ask a question we've asked before. Are we all still OK with that? Can we exist in a relationship like this?" In spite of the anguish she felt earlier, Allison knew there was only one way she could answer. She nodded, a firm nod she wanted each partner to understand. Jack smiled at her and nodded, as well.

"Good. Because, while I had misgivings earlier about it, I now know that it really is the only way we can all truly be happy." She took on a more somber tone. "There are complications, you know, but we'll get to those in a minute, because I'm about to add some more to the mix."

Jack began to say something, but Allison shushed him. He stuck out his tongue at her. "You promise?" she asked, stifling a giggle. He rolled his eyes, but smiled.

"OK, you two," Abigail scolded. "Play time will have to wait for another night. I was talking about other complications." She turned to Allison, and the younger girl felt her heart jump. The time had come. "Allison, do you love me?"

Allison quickly nodded her head, then glanced over at Jack. He seemed oblivious to the intent of the question. Abigail must have seen it to, because she tapped Jack on the knee as if to get his attention again. "I'm going to ask the question again." She stared intensely at Allison. "Allison, do you love me, as more than a sister? Do you love me in the most intimate, passionate and unconditional way you can?"

Allison saw Jack's eyes open wide, his lips slightly parted, as the intent of Abigail's question finally sank in. Allison turned her attention back to Abigail. "Yes, Abbie. I love you. Just like you described." She paused for a second to let Jack soak it in. "Abbie, do you love me more than a sister. Intimately and unconditionally?"

Abigail smiled, a simple gesture that warmed Allison's heart. "Yes, my sweet Allie. Absolutely." They both turned to Jack. Allison couldn't help but laugh; his expression as priceless.

"I ... do you mean..." he stammered, unable to finish a coherent thought.

Abigail stood up and moved over to Allison, sinking to her knees alongside the rocking chair. She took Allison's hands in hers and looked at Jack. "Jack, Allie and I are in love, much the same way you and I are in love, and you and Allison are in love." With that she leaned forward. Allison's heart was racing as she leaned down and met her sister's hot lips in a soft, passionate kiss. They held the kiss, lips pressing, mouths working. Abigail parted hers slightly and Allison took the cue, slipping her tongue gently into her sister's mouth, exploring the creases of Abigail's lips, the warmth of the inside of her mouth.

"Holy shit." Jack's words were whispered, but the intensity was there.

The two sisters broke their kiss, breathlessly looking into each other's eyes. They smiled at each other and turned back to face Jack. He was leaning back in his seat, his hands on top of his head, his eyes wide in astonishment.

"How?" he asked. "When?"

Abigail moved over to Jack, never leaving her knees. She took his hands in hers and looked up at him. "When we were out west over Christmas. Actually, we discovered it then. I guess for both of us it's always been there. We just didn't know it."

"Holy shit," Jack stammered again.

Allison stood up and came over to the couple, sinking down on the couch beside Jack. "It caught us both by surprise, Jack. Neither of us expected it. It just happened after we left Analise's, and it just felt right."

"Holy shit," Jack said.

Abigail smacked his knee. "Will you stop saying that?" she scolded.

Jack shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm just ... well, stunned, I guess." He stood up and began to pace the room. "Talk about a bombshell. How do you really know it's something more than a passing fancy? I mean, being together one time can easily be chalked up to experimentation or something."

Abigail moved up to sit next to Allison on the couch, and Allison took her hand. They were watching Jack.

"You are jumping to conclusions, Mr. Williams," Abigail said.

"What conclusions? You've been pretty plain. You guys got together ... had sex ... and now you say you are in love with each other."

"You've concluded that we've only had sex once."

He was quiet for a minute, but didn't stop his pacing. Allison at first was afraid he was angry, but the look on his face was more confusion than anything. Finally he spoke again. "OK. More than once. How many times?" He shook his head. "That's none of my business."

Abigail was impassive in her answers, like she was facing a judicial inquiry. "It is, actually. You are my husband, after all. OK. Several times on our vacation, and several times a week since then."

"Holy shit," Jack said again, shaking his head. Then he glanced at the sisters. "Um, sorry."

Allison couldn't stand it. She had to know what he was thinking. "Jack, say something. Please." Abigail squeezed her hand and shook her head. Her look told Allison she needed to give him time to digest things.

He continued pacing, but was talking to himself. "OK. This is ... unique. But everything about this is unique. I can be OK with this. Why not? I mean, they are both OK with everything else ... Who am I to pass judgment or be a selfish jerk in this ... If I get to be with each of them, why can't they be together ... I've seen it before, with Allison and Analise." He stopped talking and stopped pacing, his back to them. His next comment was to them. "Who initiated your ... intimacy?"

"I did," Allison said quickly. She saw Jack take a deep breath, and then he resumed his pacing.

"Actually, Allison had the courage and fortitude to pursue it, but I came along willingly." Abigail squeezed Allison's hand again, this time a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

Jack nodded, then resumed his self-conversation. "OK. It's not like with Analise. Both were willing, and both went into it with open eyes." He glanced at them, as if noticing for the first time their locked fingers. "They seem happy." He stopped moving again, then sank down into the rocking chair. "Are you both happy?"

They both smiled and nodded.

"This is pretty intense," he said. "First, Allison and me, an affair, wrong by society's standards on so many levels. That's nothing compared to this though. An affair between sisters, wrong by society's standards on even more levels."

"But it isn't wrong, just like you and Allison aren't wrong," Abigail countered. "The relationships are unconventional, that's all."

"That's all? I admit, my relationship with Allison feels right to me, and I can't stand the thought of not being able to be with her. I'm guessing you have similar feelings for each other. But does that make either relationship right?"

Abigail shrugged. "Who judges right or wrong? One person says one thing, another says something else. Why should the court of public opinion be passing judgment?"

"Because majority rules, Abigail." Jack took another deep breath. "Listen, you accepted me and Allison. I love you both, and I'm pretty sure I can accept you two together. I see you two, and you look happy. And I must admit the thought of you two together makes me horny as hell. That said, we have to live in this world. The world frowns on my relationship with Allison because she is underage and is my wife's sister. However, over time, as it becomes clear that it was mutual and long lasting, the world would ultimate accept it, especially since she's not that young. They'll even accept the wife/mistress angle of it all. However, I'm pretty sure the backlash of your relationship—incestuous bi-sexual..."

"I hate you using that label, Jack," Abigail said. "It sounds so ... awful."

"Sorry, Abbie, but that's how the world will view it. I'm not saying I view it that way. Lord knows, I'm obviously far from conservative. Incestuous bi-sexual sisters, one being a minor. It's likely the world will look at you and me, Abbie, and say we corrupted an innocent mind, that we are immoral predators that need to be locked up before we bag another young, impressionable soul."

Abigail opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again. Allison felt her eyes burning as Jack talked. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. They were supposed to cry a little, laugh a little, and plan for their future. It was supposed to be happy.

"I'll just tell everyone that I did it, that I instigated it," Allison squeaked, her voice barely audible. She thought ruefully how she seemed so confident around her friends, but seemed like a small child in the midst of these two. I'm still just a kid, she thought. She looked at Jack. His expression was warm and loving as he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, watching his young lover.

"Allie, I wish it was that easy," he said quietly.

"He's right, Allie," Abigail said, sadness in her voice.

"Then we just keep it quiet," Allison said firmly as she wiped her tears.

"But, Allie," Abigail replied, squeezing her sister's hand. "Remember how you felt today? Could you do that the rest of your life?"

"If it meant the difference between being with you or not, then yes. I'd have to."

"No." Both girls turned to look at Jack. He's eyes were determined, his expression like steel. "I don't know what happened today. I'd like to know, so you can tell me later, if you want. But I do know that we can't do this in secret. Secrets fail. Look at what happened with Analise, Allison and me. No, if we are determined to maintain these relationships, then we need to be open and forthcoming, and prepare ourselves to deal with the repercussions. Either that, or we end them now."

He leaned back, still looking hard at the girls. Allison was amazed. One moment, Abigail was in charge, taking the lead. Now it was Jack, broaching the tough issues, taking the bull by the horns. Neither girl spoke. They just watched their man.

He spoke quietly, but with no less resolve. "I, for one, know where I stand on the issue. The question is, do we stand together?"

Abigail woke first, her body sandwiched between her sister and her husband. They kept the air cool in their house at night, but even that wasn't enough with the increase in body heat. Her t shirt was drenched in sweat. She lifted her head to look over Allison at the clock. A little before 8:00. Damn. She didn't have to work, and Jack didn't have class until later, but Allison had 30 minutes to get to school. She nudged her sister, who had her back and ass snuggled into Abigail's embrace.

"Allison, you've got to get up. School in 30."

Allison groaned, but didn't move. "Four hours of sleep isn't enough."

"Girl, you need to get out of bed now. We can't let things get messed up. Now get up."

Allison stretched finally and pulled herself to sitting. Abigail smiled at the sight. Allison was wearing one of Jack's old t shirts, as well, and her hair was a tangled mess. She stood up and shuffled to the bathroom. Abigail began to get up, but Jack wrapped his arm tighter around her.

"Wait a minute," he slurred. "Where do you think you are going?"

Abigail snuggled back against him for a minute, enjoying a brief moment of warmth and safety before facing the world. "I'm being a good sister and offering moral support by making breakfast. Maybe you should consider offering some moral support, too."

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