The Orphanage Blues
Copyright© 2006 by Lubrican
Chapter 11
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A troubled orphan boy is punished by being sent to the Dante's Inferno of orphanages, but a glitch in the paperwork lands him in a place full of love and concern for his welfare. It changes his life completely, and that of the women who run the small orphanage in Mid America during WW II.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Teenagers Consensual Romantic Reluctant Heterosexual Cheating Harem First Oral Sex Masturbation Pregnancy Slow
The four colluding women had planned for Bobby to have Tuesdays and Thursdays off, to give him a chance to rest, since each of them was quite sure he'd get little sleep on the nights he was with them. Of course they didn't know about Rachel, and what she did with him on the afternoons she kept him after school.
The depth of her passion for Bobby had frightened Rachel a little. When she was under him she felt helpless, but safe at the same time. He was her Hero, and he'd let nothing happen to her. But being helpless was also a little scary for an independent woman. To prove to herself that she was still in control of her destiny, she decided that twice a week ... Tuesdays and Thursdays, oddly enough ... should be enough for any woman.
It's quite likely, according to some doctors, that as a result of keeping five women full of his teenaged spend, Bobby's sperm count was a little low for maximum fertility. Perhaps that's why nobody else got pregnant until April. Of course it's also possible that their planning was responsible for that too. While Rachel didn't think about her ovaries, all the others did.
But we're getting ahead of the story. You still need more information.
Wednesday night now belonged to Sally. She got that first Wednesday by simple virtue of complaining that it was her turn. While she deferred to Mavis, she wanted a chance to explore this new thing in the comfort of her bedroom, and she wanted to be next. Wednesday night, when they were putting the children to bed, Sally sidled up to Bobby and whispered in his ear.
"When you're ready for bed, come to my room." She blushed at, what to her, was her brazen invitation. What followed could safely be called ... tumultuous.
She was horrified at herself for waiting for him stark naked.
She was amazed that both her mouth and her pussy were soaking wet.
She had no idea what she was going to say to Bobby when he showed up.
She didn't need to say anything. Bobby had been hoping to be with Sally again. He couldn't get those fat, juicy pussy lips out of his mind. Prudence had tasted wonderful. He was sure Sally would too. When he got to the room he simply started undressing, looking at her naked body as she stood beside the bed. Like Mavis, she looked nervous. And, like he did with Mavis, he held her and kissed her before they got into the bed. Like Mavis, she wanted to be in bed with him, lying down comfortably. Once there, her hand found his hardness as she kissed him again, squirming at the warm pleasure of his skin against hers. She had been too nervous to properly appreciate the feel of his skin before, in the bathroom.
This was much nicer.
She felt his fingers sliding down her side, to her hip, and then between her legs. No man had ever touched her there. She held her breath, pressing her lips against his with a hunger that astonished her. When his finger split her pussy lips and probed to find the little bump he knew would be there somewhere, she groaned, her breath gushing into his mouth.
Bobby pushed himself up, rolling Sally to her back. She had a sudden attack of panic. He wasn't going to ... No, she wasn't ready for that!
"Bobby" she panted. "You can't." She pushed at him. "I'm a virgin Bobby."
Bobby didn't know that word, or what it meant. What he was thinking about was those full lips that he wanted to kiss and taste. She was upset about something. That, he could hear in her voice, but surely she wouldn't mind if he licked her down there. Prudence had loved it. And she had told him he couldn't do that too, at first. He paused, looking into Sally's eyes calmly ... more calmly than he felt inside. He kissed her chin, and then her chest between her flat breasts, and then he teased her nipples with his tongue until they stuck out enough to suck into his mouth. When he did that he could actually feel them get larger in his mouth. Sally moaned and squirmed under him. She had stopped saying he couldn't do what he wanted to do.
He kissed her abdomen, not knowing that the nervous receptors between her skin and her ovaries were hypersensitive. He didn't know what an erogenous zone was, and neither did Sally, really. Her stomach sucked in at the shock of the tingles. You could have poured water into that concave area and it wouldn't have gone anywhere.
Then he couldn't wait any more and he climbed between her legs. Her few wisps of hair were no barrier as his hands found her thighs and pushed them apart. He felt resistance, and Sally lifted her head off the pillow, looking down at him.
"Bobby, what are you doing Bobby?
He showed her what he was doing as she sucked in air and her belly went concave again. First he sucked at those plump lips, pulling them into his mouth. They were fleshy and firm. Her hips thrust up off the bed, but he remembered how Prudence had done the same thing and was ready for that. His mouth rode her and he dropped to his elbows, cupping her bony buttocks. She was delicious.
Then he feasted.
For Sally, the world suddenly jerked, and seemed to turn ninety degrees to one side. Not only had no man touched her between her legs, but she had rarely touched herself there either. She had all the normal hormones in her body to create the state of being aroused, and she had been aroused before. But she hadn't know what to do about it. She suffered through those bouts of frustrated horniness and eventually they went away. When she had offered her nipple to a cranky baby, she had received the first sexual stimulation in her life that involved the touch of another human. Bobby had been the first boy or man to kiss her. His lips on her nipples had brought her her first orgasm. When she realized that he had gotten up to suck them again, rather than just ravish her, her panic abated. She was ready for an orgasm now from those sweet sucking lips.
And then he had stopped sucking. True, his lips on her stomach were wonderful, but she wanted them to go back to those aching nipples.
Instead, they had gone between her legs. If she'd have had time to think about it, she might have rationalized that, if a woman could put her mouth on a man's sex organ, it didn't seem like much of a stretch for him to put his mouth on the woman's sex organ. Of course she didn't have time to reflect. She forgot all about where her mouth had been, and she stared unbelieving as he leaned in and made the world jerk. She took in a breath, and it froze, deep in her lungs as he sucked at her pussy lips. Her head hit the pillow and her back arched automatically and she felt his hands on her naked buttocks. Then he let her nether lips go and gave his face a funny little side to side wiggle and his lips found that same little spot that his finger had teased not so long before.
When he sucked on that, Sally thought she might actually die from the pleasure of it. Her overworked intercostal muscles relaxed and her breath gushed out in a babbling moan, a series of nonsensical sounds. The sounds stopped as she dragged in a fresh breath, and began again immediately as it was expelled. Panic flicked at her like tiny whips striking her body as she realized that surely no mere human being was allowed to feel this kind of ecstasy. Then, what she now realized was an orgasm washed over her and she flopped, her arms bouncing off the bed, and her head twisting from side to side. She felt her legs come up off the bed, her knees bent, as they spread apart of their own volition and the orgasm shook her bones. Her heels thumped into the center of his back as her thighs crushed his head between them, but still he sucked and licked and teased her clit.
To preserve her sanity, Sally willed her legs to open again, and pushed at his head.
"No more," she gasped. "No more." Great wracking breaths whistled in and out of her lungs as Bobby lifted his shiny face, grinning like he'd been told the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Then he dropped his head and kissed those lips, getting another spastic jerk out of her loins as she begged him to stop.
He pushed up and sat back on his heels. Sally looked at him and her eyes were drawn to his erection, which had a string of silver hanging from the tip. She licked her parched lips and wanted to taste that drip of silver more than anything in the world. Finding reserves of strength she didn't think she had, she sat and rolled, lifting her right leg to get it past him. She fell to the floor and scrambled up, not feeling the bruises that would show in the morning. She suddenly felt stronger than the mythical giants Meg read about to the children and she reached out to push Bobby to his back, where she had just been lying. Then, with an almost feral growl, she leapt on the bed and her mouth captured that stiff column of flesh.
For a few seconds Bobby was afraid she was going to bite him. Her teeth raked down his shaft and he winced, but then her lips sealed on him and she pulled up, sucking. His prick left her mouth with a sound as she slurped and then swallowed.
"I want your juice," she said, her voice sounding deeper. "Give me your juice."
Then she went back to sucking him. Her hands slid down his hips and under them, to pull him up against her face and his prick slid past the point where her gag reflex was located. She was so surprised that the instantaneous gagging feeling was gone before her body could react to it. She could feel him in her throat and she loved that feeling. She pulled up and gagged again as the tip of his penis slid past that point again. But she was so excited that she thrust her face down on him again, fighting the gag reflex by pure will until she felt his soft brown hairs tickling her nose. She felt the urge to sneeze, and pulled off of him to cough until the urge was gone. Her hand gripped him and stroked while she rested and watched as the head of his prick was uncovered and then covered again. She sucked the head, still stroking and heard his groans with an elation that thrilled her. When the first rush of warmth entered her mouth she swallowed it, and then dove down on him again, pushing her nose into his pubes.
That didn't work so well. Bobby kept spurting, but she couldn't swallow because her throat was full of penis. She had another brush with panic as she choked and pulled up off him to cough again. His white spend splattered all over his abdomen as she coughed, but the choking sensation was gone and she was able to swallow again. His penis was running with milky white and she closed her mouth over it to suck it clean, reveling in his taste. Then she licked up all the splatter as he panted.
Afterward, lying quietly with him was so wonderful, his warm body under hers, his fingers tracing small circles in the middle of her lower back, that Sally's eyes filled with tears that ran happily down over her nose and dripped on his chest. She wished this night would go on forever.
Like Mavis, Sally woke in the night. Her waking was different, though. She had been dreaming, but couldn't remember the dream. Then she became aware of Bobby's warm body under her. When he was clean, she had crawled up on top of him, to lie on him. for hugs and kisses, and they had fallen asleep that way. She wondered at how good it could feel to lie on top of something so hard as a body, but she loved it. She listened to his breath as he slept. Her face was down in his neck, and that was a little uncomfortable. She wiggled down toward his feet so she could lay her face on his chest, which was a good idea. That put her pussy lips right on his soft penis, and that felt wonderful too. She couldn't resist the urge to rub against it, trying to make it touch that wonderful special spot he'd made her feel so good with.
The kerosene lantern had gone out, but there was a full moon that night, and its white light flowed in through the window. As she rubbed her pussy back and forth on that lump she could see his face. His eyes opened.
"Hi" she said, feeling foolish.
His loins tensed and pushed up against her.
"You like that?" she whispered. He nodded and she said "Me too."
She felt him getting hard, and that was even better. She wiggled until her fat pussy lips split apart and rode along his lengthening rod. She felt electric tingles shoot through her as her clit came into direct contact with his cock.
"Ohhhh yes I like this," she murmured.
On the upstroke she leaned down to kiss his lips softly, before she rode that long hard thing back down towards their feet. She set up a rhythm of doing that, sliding forward for a kiss, and then back away from his face. Her nipples scraped along his chest, and that felt good too. She suddenly realized she could have an orgasm this way too, and her speed increased. Her pussy got slick and wet, and that just made it all feel even better. Her movements got faster and it was inevitable that she slid forward enough to slip down off the head of his prick and onto his abdomen. When she rocked back, his prick nosed into her pussy mouth and stuck there.
"MMMM" she said as she felt pain. But it was a sweet pain. She lifted up and slid back down his shaft, and this time slid forward off of him on purpose. She pushed back, feeling his penis prod her open pussy and she felt the pain again. She knew enough about sex to know that his penis was supposed to fit inside her. She honestly hadn't thought about actually doing that. She was completely satisfied with what they did together. But this strange pain was addictive somehow. She knew that if she pushed hard enough, it might go in her a little more. She doubted that her small body could take that thing fully into it. Surely she was smaller down there than her throat was.
But it felt so nice to push against that blunt slippery head the produced such delicious pudding. So she rocked, and she pushed, and she rocked, and she pushed, and then, unexpectedly, the head popped through that pain, causing the pain to increase to a sharpness that wasn't pleasurable.
"Ohh owwww" she complained. It wasn't fair that something so nice should hurt so much.
She rocked back forward and the pain vanished, to be replaced by a dull ache. She lifted up and slid her clit down his shaft, pleased that the tingling feeling was back. Again she rocked too far forward, and pushed, and the head slid into her again. The pain wasn't so sharp this time, though still uncomfortable.
Then his prick spat, and her pussy tunnel was filled with warm spend. She knew instantly what it was. She knew instantly that his pudding was going inside her. He grunted and his hips lifted, and she felt more warm fluid inside her. She wiggled, loving the feel of the heat inside her. She realized that it had gone deeper and now the pain was more of a stretching sensation that, while it wasn't pleasurable, was not so bad. She wiggled some more as he grunted again. He went in further, but then stopped. She felt a sudden desire for more and pushed against his chest with her hands to sit up, drawing her knees up beside his hips. Carefully, she let her weight down and was shocked to feel that sack under his penis touching her buttocks.
She sat and just concentrated on the feelings. What he had done to her before had driven her mad. But this was a different kind of feeling. She could feel that spot tingling, but his penis rubbed the tender inner flesh of her body in a way that was just as good, but eminently more bearable. She rocked and his penis moved inside her, stroking her inner walls and she sighed.
This she could do all night long.
She knew if she tried hard enough, she could have an orgasm doing this. But it was just as nice to just feel him inside of her. She wasn't aware that his prick had gone half soft after it filled her belly with sperm. It was cold, sitting up like this. The covers had fallen down her back when she sat up. She lay down on him again, reaching behind her for the covers. He gripped them himself and pulled them up.
With her face on his chest, and his young penis in her pussy, Sally Winston fell asleep on top of the man whose penis had just destroyed the maidenhead she had always assumed would be firmly intact until the day she died.
Thursday afternoon, Bobby introduced Rachel to the joys of having a man's mouth on her sex.
She tasted wonderful too. She was awfully loud, and Bobby wondered if he should ask Mavis to make another of those cloth ropes for her, but she tasted wonderful. She was also willing to let him suck and chew for as long as he wanted. Rachel Templeton was now addicted to orgasms, as long as Bobby was the man giving them to her, and she fed that addiction as long each day as Bobby had time to give them to her.
Sally didn't tell anyone that she was no longer a virgin. It wasn't a topic of conversation that was easy to insert into their usual idle chatter. It never even entered her mind to confide in Meg or Mavis that Bobby had made her crazy with his mouth glued to her sex.
And it just so happened that Meg never saw Bobby leaving either woman's room in the morning, so she was not aware that he had spent the whole night in their beds.
Meg simply had no idea that the boy she'd experimented with, such a relatively short time ago, and who, before she gave him that bath, was completely uninitiated in the ways of sex, was now an accomplished and experienced lover.
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