Life and Tits - Cover

Life and Tits

Copyright© 2024 by Technocracy

Chapter 14

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Observations of a life observing tits.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Vignettes   Violence  

Damn, what’s with Doc Handron? He almost looks pissed off. He’s probably thinkin I’m a moron.

“Not one of your better ideas, Mark. You should not consider taking the commercial and instrument check rides back-to-back.”

“Don’t think I’m up for it, Doc?”

“You probably could, but its not worth the risk of lost time and cost. And if you use the same DE for both check rides, he may look askance of the scheduling.”

“Okay, you’re the instructor. But I still wanna take both check rides in your banana.”

“I have no problem with that. Let’s get ready. I want you to file for a cross-country to Gillespe.”

“We doing the RNAV?”

“That, and we will practice a missed with a hold after the RNAV. If the controllers are not too busy, we can go to Montgomery and shoot a back ILS. If we have the time, I also want to do a circle-to-land approach.”

“Sounds like fun, doc. We gonna practice any commercial maneuvers on the way back?”

“Not worth the tach time. Sitting next to you as you execute perfect maneuvers has grown quite tiresome.”

Say what? Guess I should take that as a compliment. Where’s my idiot furbag? Gotta get him set up before I pre-flight the plane.

“Looking for your dog?”


“He’s with Lily.”

“Damn. If she fed him that fancy Japanese chow, then the idiot ain’t flying with us. His farts could kill a moose. Janice banished him to the backyard last week.”

“How is Janice doing?”

“I dunno, doc. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. I’ve been trying to hang around her as much as possible, but sometimes I got too much shit going on. I’m hoping that her moonlighting as our business manager will help.”

“I can recommend a good therapist.”

“Yeah? Don’t know if she would do it, but why not? Thanks, doc ... Pre-flight done. Your plane is good to go, doc.”

She looks okay for someone that just had her head shrunk for the third time.

“How’d it go, Janice? Wanna beer?”

“Fine, no earth-shattering revelations. The therapist wants to talk to you.”

“Me? Don’t think so. These two furbags and my bike are my therapy.”

“No, not for you. She wants to talk to you probably because I told her that, other than my sister, you are the only person I am close to and...”

“Whoa there, lady. Be careful. That’s how shrinks run their scam. They pull everybody into their circus. They do it to cancel external opinions.”

“Geez, Mark, you’re so paranoid. Maybe you are the one that needs the head doctor.”

“Maybe, but I’ve played their game. Some can be good, some not so good, and some shrinks are very bad news. If this shrink helps you, I’m all for it. But I’m not gonna let them fuckers play with my brain-housing group.”

Shit, she doesn’t look convinced. Those tits need a beer.

“Have a beer. I’m doin tacos. How many ya want?”

“Two will be fine.”

Shit, she’s thinking. Don’t get those big tits all worked up...

“Mark? I know that you’re also having problems with Dave’s death. We both know what it’s like to feel the guilt of living without him, which makes me feel that, I don’t know, but ... I owe it to you to...”

“I’m okay. It doesn’t matter, Janice. Don’t need no help; been fixing myself most of my life. And you don’t owe me nothin; you have any obligations to me, personal or financial. We’ll take it one day at a time ... Get a plate. Tacos are ready. And don’t feed the furbags any of this.”

Damn, Janice is so easy, and the furbags know it. Look at those furry brats, they know they have her.

“Did I tell you I passed my instrument check ride? Gonna do my commercial next week.”

“Instrument? So you can fly out of here in bad weather.”

“Not really. At least I wouldn’t. I don’t think that I should try taking off from Meadowlark directly into the soup. And there is no legal way to land at the place if IMC. Mostly, it will keep me alive when the weather goes to shit.”

“That’s cool, Mark. Adds another dimension to our business - you can fly into Barstow and Tuscon ... Nayato and me both like the chicken tacos.”

“Told ya not to feed ‘em. Fine, both of the furbags are sleeping with you tonight. I warned you, lady ... So y’all agreed to take the Magnavox and FMC contracts?”

“Becky voted yes. Bob didn’t vote.”

“That’s atypical. What’s with Bob?”

“He said that FMC’s SOW sucks.”

“It does. So what? If things get too fucked up, we get the next milestone signed off, then we bail.”

“He thinks that’s unethical.”

“Not really. I dunno, maybe we’re being disingenuous. Fuck it. If you say yes, I say yes. Let’s do it.”

Her tits are probably smarter than my brain, so why not? And Bob’s gonna have to dump his boy-scout analysis ... That’s it, I’m outa here before Janice smell’s the idiot’s fart.

“You want to go where, Merl?”

“It is in Northern California. Nice area. A rich guy I met several years ago. He has a Cessna three-forty that needs a new radio stack.”

“Dunno know about this. Why don’t ya sit down. Want Jeanie to get you some chow”

“Nah. Not hungry. Anyway, this customer will pay transport, parts, labor, and per diem.”

“That’s stupid. Have the fucker bring the bird down here.”

“He does not want to fly his 340 into this place.”

“I understand that much, but this makes no sense, Merl. We could work on his pig at Fullerton, using Mike’s hangar. I could fly you in there daily if you don’t wanna commute cross-town.”

“This job can have a big payoff, Mark. Also, as you now have a commercial, we can tack your logged hours onto the invoice.”

“This guy must be really fucking stupid. Whatever. If the asshole is willing to fork out the bucks, I’ll take his money. When?”

“I’ll have all of the components in ten to twelve days.”

“Good, because I’m gonna be in Arizona for the next four or five days. You need to set up a rental agreement with Doc Handron. We need his banana because his one seventy two ain’t gonna work for either the load or the range we need for this job. And I wanna see a signed SOW or contract before committing to this boondoggle.”

“We’ll have it when you return. Is Janice going?”

“No. Why?”

“Just wondering about who would be caring for your animals while you’re gone.”

Interesting. Why is he worried about my furbags? Merl sure is acting weird about setting up this job. Which reminds me. Lily better not be feeding the idiot; maybe I should make the furbag ride back in the truck bed...

Holeee shiiit. Who is that? That is why wearing a bra should be illegal. Never seen an Asian with huge tits. How does she stand up straight? That woman could rule the world with those tits.

“Where is the office?”

“Uh ... over there...”

Well shit. I’m so fuckin smooth.

“Close your mouth and put your eyes back in your head, boy.”


What’s she laughing at?

“Who’s that, Jeannie?”

“Art and Lily’s grand daughter.”

“Never seen Japanese hooters that big. Damn. So how does a woman deal with huge tits like that ... I was thinking of a simple cantilever model for tits the other day, and the forces from the dampened oscillations are significant. I wonder what the resonant frequency of those tits are ... and...”

“Shut up, Mark. Maybe you could find yourself a good woman if your little engineering mind didn’t think like that.”

“Your husband likes the way I think.”

“Jerman is an idiot. You want anything else?”

“Nah, I’m full. The tuna sandwich was good. Gotta get my furbag. See ya.”

Maybe I could revise the simple cantilever hooter model, so that I use a first-order derivative to indicate the decreasing mass towards forward, so if we have decreasing shear stress with length, then with an increasing spring constant...


“Are you Mark Watson?”

Damn. Hello there Miss Big Tits. For you, I’ll be Bugs Bunny.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Baa-baa says that your dog will be in the garden.”


“My grandmother.”

There’s that weird look again. Probably thinks I’m a maron. Damn, wouldn’t care how she looked at me if I could have a handful of those tits.

“Uh, thanks. Gotta go and get my dog.”

“Ryan traffic, Cessna Five Nine Whiskey left downwind for three three.”

Damn. Its heating up fast, thermals are getting big. It’s gonna be bumpy.

“Becky, get that shit off of your lap and in the bag. Put it behind the rear seat. It’s gonna get a bit rough once we descend and turn base.”

“Ryan traffic, Cessna Five Nine Whiskey turning left base for three three. Full stop.”

Whoa. Now that’s a thermal. Becky’s lookin a bit green.

“Becky look for our ride. Supposed to be waiting next to one of the transient ramps.”

That will give her something to do.

“Ryan traffic, Five Nine Whiskey turning short final for three three. Full stop.”

“How ya doing, Becky?”

“Okay. I saw two white vans down at the other end of the runway, right side.”

“Good. I’ll turn here ... Ryan traffic, Five Nine Whiskey is clear 33.”

“Open your window, get some air in here. You’re doing the talking, okay?”

“No problemo, kemosabe. If they don’t immediately sign the SOW, just like Bob and Janice said, it’s back to Phoenix.”

“Sounds good to me. You talk to them while I secure the plane.”

Now that’s someone on a mission. Go get ‘em, woman. Gotta find something to putz with while she yanks on their chain. Yeah, pop the access cover and stare at the engine.

“Are you Mister McReady?”

“I am McReady. Are you one of the listed principles for the stacker project?”

“Yes. I am Rebecca Wentworth. Is there approval for project transfer from Phoenix?”

“That will be discussed on site. Please get in the lead vehicle. The base is less than twenty minutes away. The project officer and an Air Force security officer are waiting.”

“I will need a signed copy of the statement of work before any further activity on the project.”

“We have no such document, Miss Wentworth. But we have signed the M/R Parts Data Report.”

“I am not authorized to proceed to any government work site without an approved SOW. Thank you for your time, gentlemen.”

Damn she can do a cold-business persona really good. They look like lost puppies. What a bunch of dickless losers.

“I guess it’s back to the Phoenix Motorola site. You were right, Mark. They are trying to start without a closed-end requirement.”

“Yeah, saw the navy do that shit to some of their Aegis contractors. Fuckin assholes are costing the taxpayer beaucoup bucks ... I’m gonna taxi to re-fuel then file and pre-flight. We’ll be back in Phoenix in about an hour ... Did you explain what they fucked up?”

“We don’t have the time nor did I have the crayons that would’ve been necessary to explain it to those government procurement morons.”

Damn. Don’t know whether to be impressed by Becky or to feel sorry for Bob. I’d be willing to bet he has never won an argument with her.

“Holy shit. Janice never told me that the contract had a short-continuation award...”

“I think she had that inserted into the last three contracts ... I like this. Flying these little birds, at least straight and level, is not difficult.”

“You’re doin good, Bob. Maintain a 264 heading. You’re flying this crate good. Ever think about getting a license?”

“No, but Becky was talking about it as a business tool. Becky, when did Janice put that clause in the Motorola contract?”

“It was in the same stack of papers that we all signed for the Torrance Magnavox project.”

“Janice did good. We’re probably set for most of the year. I say we spend a few days at the beach before the Torrance job. You up for this, Mark?.”

“No can do, dude. Gotta go some place in northern California with Merl. We’re installing some fancy shit into some rich guy’s airplane.”

“Doc Handron said that we have his Bonanza for two weeks. How were the oil temps and CHTs on the 172?”

“Nada problems, Merl. Temps were normal. I need to start planning the flight north, if we’re still gonna leave Thursday. As it stands now, we got a three to five day window for weather along the coast, so we need to vamos.”

“Rohnerville Traffic, Bonanza Nine Six Eight Zulu is five south. Will enter modified left base for two-nine, full stop.”

“Where we staying?”

“In Fortuna. Redwood Inn. The owner is supposed to be at the airfield around five thirty to give us the keys to the hangar.”

“What about an FBO?”

“Airfield only has fuel. We’ll have to go to Eureka if we need something.”

What the fuck? What’s that idiot doing on the runway? Fucking deer. Even more stupid than my doggy.

“Gonna have to buzz the runway. There’s a deer just past the VASI lights.”

“Rohnerville traffic, a deer is on the approach end of two-nine. Making low pass, then turning west to enter downwind, two-nine, full stop. Beech Nine Six Eight Zulu.”

This will make that stupid deer head for the hills; fucking idiot.

“Traffic ahead, Mark. We got a chopper to the north. About one-thirty, at three to four miles.”

“I see it. Not a problem. I’ll do a one eighty now to a downwind.”

Damn this fucker must be mondo filthy rich. Has a chopper too?

“If the man can afford a Jet Ranger, why the fuck is he driving a Cessna three-forty?”

“I don’t think that a loaded up Lear or Citation or Gulfstream could handle this runway. What would be the BFL for a small jet?”

“Dunno. Corporate jets are over my paygrade ... Check out the goons with him. They’re armed, Merl.”

That goon on the right damn sure looks familiar. They don’t look like happy campers. Why are they eye-fucking me?

“Merl Askew?”

“I am, sir. You are Hats?”


“Do you agree to our terms and the statement of work?”

“I do. Jason, would you give Mister Askew the signed contract?”

Wait. Hats? Nah, couldn’t be. Fuck me to tears, she did say her family was from northern cali. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“The two hangars at the northwest end of the ramp are for you to use as necessary. My three-forty is currently in the large hangar to the southeast of both ramps.”

“Holeee shit. There’s a few million bucks worth of airplanes in this barn.”

“He’s the real thing, Mark. He flew jets in Korea and Viet Nam, and has started up at least three companies. Let’s get his three-forty into the the west hangar.”

“What’s the schedule?”

“Set the plane up. I’ll pull the cockpit seats. Want you to pull the VHF antenna panels on the turtledeck. Then we go into town and check in.”

“See ya back at the hotel, Merl. We need anything other than the Bendix connectors?”

“Uh, get some more cable ties. Why don’t you fly into Eureka?”

“Looks like there’s some shit moving in, and this place got no ILS or RNAV or NDB or any dogshit. And it’s a nice drive; sorta starting to like this old Ranchero.”

“See ya tonight.”

What the fuck, over? Why’s he lookin in the Banana? Is he trying to get into the bird? Gonna go around the back.

“Looking for something?”


“Get your hands away from your body! ... Turn away! ... Now lay down, hands away.”

What the fuck!? Was he going for a gun? Looks too well dressed to be a thief. Damn, how do I call the cops?

“You fuck around and I’m gonna shoot your ass. I’m gonna pull your gun out. Don’t move.”

Fancy holster ... and fancy gun. Holeee shit-stain on the Klingon Empire. It’s a fuckin Colt General Officer’s Model ... yep, marked ‘RIA’. This is one high-class criminal.

“Tell ya what, dickhead. We’re gonna take a nice stroll down to that big hangar to make a phone call. You say one word or twitch one muscle too many, and I’m gonna shoot you. Start walkin.”

“Son, do you know who this is?”

“Nope. He was starting to break into my airplane.”

“He’s the director of security for Hats Enterprises.”

“I don’t care if he’s the fuckin pope. He was armed and was breaking into my airplane. He’s your problem now, I got airplanes to fix. Give me my ID and gun papers back.”

“Want to ask you about that, Mister Watson. Why does a civilian have a federal carry permit?”

“Officer, you’re asking too many questions. Give me my papers.”

“You will need to come into town to file a report and...”

“How ‘bout I make a phone call first?”

Damn, the feebies saved my dumb ass again. Almost sorry that my seven-year statue ends next year. Another day, another local yokel freaking out.

“Mister Watson, may I suggest that you get an appropriate holster for your revolver?”

“Thanks, man. Your guys out east gave me a holster. Don’t normally carry a weapon on me, it stays in my tool bag ... Did ya see that forty-five the security goon had? You guys might want to run the serial number. That type of pistol was supposed to be issued to flag officers.”

“He is, in fact, a retired air force general.”

“No shit? He tell y’all why he was trying to break into the Bonanza?”

“He was investigating you, by direction of his employer. Let’s just say that we ‘encouraged’ him to not investigate you further.”

“Yeah? Interesting. Those rich dudes and corporate moguls are fuckin weird. Need anything else from me?”

“Only that you advise me upon your departure from the area.”

“Will do. Thanks mucho, special agent.”

Investigating me? What the fuck for? Fucking assholes ... I guess you don’t get rich by being a nice guy. Whatever. Maybe we can finish this job by tomorrow.

Shit. Shit. Shit. What the fuck is she doing here? Unholy mother of the Romulan Empire. And she’s acts like she knows Merl. Karma just gave me another bag of dicks.

“Mark? Sit down with us.”

“Merl? What’s up, man?”

“Talk to her, Mark. I’m going back to the motel room.”

Yeah, you do that, you conniving fucker. If this isn’t a set-up, then I’m Daffy Duck.

“Hello, Mark. I came as soon as I could get away.”

“Uh, how ya been doing, Sandy?”

“Good. I’m student teaching in Monterrey. Getting my MA next year.”

“Hey, that’s great. Uh, haven’t eaten yet. Want some chow?”

“How have you been, Mark”?

Bullshit. With all of your high-powered security goons, you probably know more about me than I do. How can she look so innocent and be so full of shit?


“Huh? Oh, yeah. Doin okay. Nothin much, just been working.”

“Did you read the letter that I had delivered to you?”

“Not really. Guess it was about visiting your place. Told your guy that I was working and couldn’t come up here.”

“So you did not read it?”

Shit. Survive. Evade. Resist. Must resist those tits until my escape is made. Where’s that waitress?


“Uh, that’s correct, didn’t read it.”

Finally. A waitress to my rescue.

“Ya want to order something? ... Ma’am, could I have a menu? Ya want something, Sandy? What ya want?”

“I am not hungry, Mark. We could go to my family’s place and have a nice dinner.”

“No can do. Getting up at zero-five tomorrow. We get a bonus if we get it signed off in less than six days ... Ma’am. I’ll have the tuna sandwich, extra pickles, fries, and a beer, please.”

“I am certain that I can convince my dad to extend the contract.”

“Yeah? That would be cool, but not gonna assume anything until we have a signed SOW.”


“Statement of Work. And I don’t think your father would want to pay more days of per diem for Merl and me.”

“Mark, it does not matter. Why do you think that you are working on my father’s airplane?”

“Dunno. You would have ask my boss.”

“Merl is aware of the situation.”

Aware of the ‘situation’? Wait. She knows Merl? What the fuck, over?

“How does Merl know?”

“He read the message that was intended for you. Apparently your mind was on other things, such that the paper was used to draw technical plans and other such stuff.”

“Say what? Lady, I said no to your invite. I had three different contracts pending. I work for a living. You play at working for a living ... Fuck me, I don’t have time for this shit. See ya.”

Ten should cover this and plus tip. Damn, was lookin forward to that tuna sandwich. Gotta get the fuck away from this shit. Did Merl set me up? What the fuck is wrong with everybody? Can’t fuckin trust nobody.

Where is that second PB sandwich? Should be in my pack.

“Mark. You didn’t eat?”

“Nope. I was ambushed by Sandy Collins. You set this shit up? Does her father know?”

“Yes and no. But she did tell her father the scope and background for her recommending us to work on their airplane.”

“Get your ass back to sleep, Merl. We’re getting up at zero four. And we are going to fucking finish the job. It had better be right because I’m not hanging around for them to do a test flight.”

“Mark, calm down. You need to...”

“I need to get the fuck outa here. I’m flying out of here tomorrow evening, whether or not we have finished the job. End of discussion. I’m gonna sleep in the Ranchero. Be out that door at zero four.”

“Don’t accept any more stuff, Merl. I’ll finish the stuff that’s on the bench now.”

“Sorry you feel that way. It was wrong of me to meddle, but I do believe that it was in your best interest. The young lady cares for you very much.”

Yeah, right. The woman doesn’t live in the real world. I think the term is ‘clueless’. Just like you, old man.

“Merl, intentions are no good when there is no trust. I won’t work with people that I don’t trust.”

“I disagree about intentions, but I do understand your need for absolute trust, Mark.”

Well fuck me, another decent gig becomes a dumpster fire. Fuck, maybe I can be done with the back-log and clear the bench in less than a week. Whatever.

“Dude, I could live for several years on what I got banked. You and Becky take the job offer for the Torrance site. Magnavox is not a bad company, at least for a defense contractor. If it doesn’t work out, Janice and me are next door. She’ll find you a gig.”

“Thanks, man ... Did you know that Becky wants to get pregnant?”

“What the fuck for? That’s crazy. It’s gonna trash her career.”

“I dunno. We talked about this two or three years ago while in school, and had agreed that a child is a non-starter.”

“Yeah? She change her mind or something?”

“I don’t know, man. I don’t understand her much anymore.”

“Dude, you can’t be knocking up your ol’ lady if she’s not gonna be your long-term. That’s bullshit, man.”

“I know, I know. Damn. I thought she was a happy camper with the way things were. Why can’t things stay the same?”

“Anyone that has tits will almost always change. I dunno, maybe it’s biology. You and me, we’re simple guys that won’t change much. But as for long-term, all of the women I’ve ever known, it’s always an accident looking for a bad place to happen; you never knew when you are gonna wake up to a suddenly different person.”

“Pretty dark, man. Maybe you are right. I just do not know what’s going on. I always thought Becky was somewhat unique in the way she always seemed to have her shit together; never expected her to do a sudden ninety degree turn to port on me.”

“Let’s forget this dog-shit for now. Wanna learn to surf in the dark?”

“Sounds wild. Let’s do it.”

“Get your board. I’ll get my idiot furbag and Janice.”

“Damn, Mark. That was so fucking cool. Getting late, have to go. See you good people later.”

“See ya, dude ... We got a few hours until low tide. Wanna do another, Janice?”

Now that’s ‘soul’ surfing. She probably got that from Dave. Shit. Dave. Fuck you, karma. Dave deserved this life, not me. Fuck you ... Whoa. How did I get here? Hell yeah, right through the fuckin pier. This wave is strong enough push me through ... Holeee shit ... Totally stoked.

“Mark!? You are totally and profoundly crazy ... Why? Just why?”

“I dunno. Just for the fuck of it. Tell me that wasn’t cool...”

Jeezus. What the fuck, over? Is she crying? What the fuck did I say? Damn. Damn. Damn.

“Mark, please do not give up on life...”

“Say what? What are you talking about, lady?”

“Going through the pier is crazy enough. Shooting through the pier in the dark, that is beyond crazy. Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“Nah. But sometimes, I just don’t give a flying fuck. If I live, cool. If I die, no problemo.”

“Wrong, Mark. It is a big problem. You’re my only friend. Who else can I trust?”

“Well, you have your sister. And you can trust this idiot, and Nyota likes you. Don’t get down about random shit, and don’t take shit from others. We can never know what is around the corner, so enjoy it now. We only have now. Fuck this philosophy, let’s go home.”

Fuck you, karma. There is never tomorrow. Only today.

“So how goes the Magnavox job?”

“We made it through the six-month temp status. But it’s turning into a total fuck story for me. I’m only doing sustaining.”

“Yeah? What about Becky?”

“She got on the team for the new navy fire-control project. She’ll be doing some killer hours.”

“One out of two ain’t so bad. If you got an easy schedule, wanna help me?”

“You got it, Mark. Is this the NI or the Cherokee job?”

“Cherokee Power. Gonna do the exact same thing I did for those clowns down in San Marcos.”

“What’s up with National?”

“Can’t talk about it. Janice said that it could be the big time for our little garage corporation.”

“What DAQ boards you using?”

“If they force LabView down our throat, gonna use NI’s twelve-bit boards. Otherwise, gonna use the new CBI sixteen-bit board. That would be tits.”

“Doing an external power-mux control?”

“Yep. No choice. We’re dealing with north of ten kVA for this shit. That’s what I’m working on now, because we have to wait until they commit to whatever DAQ board.”

“Wanna start on the cross-point controller?”

“Okay. Since we’re gonna be working late, okay if I just stay here tonight?”

“No problemo, dude.”

Well that’s not good. Wonder if the B&B team is finally ending? Not surprised. Gotta finish designing this node controller. Where’s my fuckin calculator? Of fucking course, it’s under Nyota; and I know you do that on purpose.

“Bob, I’m so sorry. How is Becky?”

“Okay. Haven’t seen her for a while. She’s working in a different building, and probably going to move to LA with the friend she’s been staying with ... Janice? You and Mark want a full-time engineer?”

Damn. He’s totally going over the side. Don’t blame him. Best to always make a quick exit once the bitch loses her shit. Never thought Becky would turn out to be a typical lying bitch. That’s what the gunny always said, ‘life is a bitch, then you marry one’...



“We can easily afford it. You agree?”

“Yep ... Arise, Sir Bob. I hereby anoint you Senior Engineering Manager of the Royal Order of Cluster-Fuck.”

“Don’t I get a sword or light sabre?”

“No Jedi shit. It has to be a red light sabre. We serve the empire ... Can we tell him about National, Janice?”

“I suppose so. When will you give notice, Bob?”

“Shit, how about now? Actually, first thing tomorrow. That is, if they don’t walk me to the door after I give notice. I’ll give them the rest of the week. So, what about National Instruments?”

“We signed a contract to license our LabView parser and pre-compiler to NI. And they want to buy Mark’s C++ library outright.”

“Holy Molly, mother of Doug. That’s gotta be in the six figures.”

“Nope. Seven figures, Bob. The C++ library will require mucho mucho writing; they want a manual and other documentation. With you on the payroll, I wanna give you the Cherokee Power project, so we can get the library sale done. Okay with you, lady?”

“That would be perfect, Mark.”

Damn. Wish she wouldn’t do that. Button that blouse back up. Quit jiggling those big tits.

“See you guys manana.”

“Hasta manana, dude.”

“As for you lady, you sure as shit don’t need to bring attention to your world-class tits. They speak for themselves. So stop it.”

At least it made her laugh. She’s been doin pretty damn good the last several months. Damn, quit it, woman. I got work to do...

Fuck it. Just fuck it. I’m going to get me a handful of those magnificent hooters. Fuck that, I’m getting two handfuls of superb tittage.

Damn, how do those nips get so big so fast? They probably take as much blood as my dick...

Oh shit, please don’t kiss me ... I don’t care if I can’t get off, I’m taking her to the rack. The furbags will have to sleep alone. Calling taps, people. Lights out.

“It’s my last day at ALS, Mark. They’re going to throw a small thing for me. Jenny wants you to stop by.”

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