The Cuckold Transformation - Cover

The Cuckold Transformation

Copyright© 2024 by Ana Hanz

Chapter 3: The First Session

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3: The First Session - Sarah has a naughty plan to make her husband "happy"

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation  

The waiting room of Claire’s office is small but quite charming, with a few comfortable chairs and some potted plants placed strategically around the room. The walls are painted in a soothing blue color, with a few tasteful paintings hung on them. Soft, instrumental music is playing in the background, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

John sits nervously in one of the chairs, fidgeting with his hands as he waits for Claire. He’s wearing a crisp white shirt and black pants, looking somewhat out of place in this serene environment. He checks his phone a few times, then puts it back in his pocket.

John sits impatiently until Claire finally struts into the waiting room, wearing a black number that shows off her figure in all the right ways. It’s like the dress was made for her, accentuating her curves and leaving just enough to the imagination.

“Hello, John. Come inside, please.” Her face lights up with a radiant smile as she greets John, and he can’t help but notice her perfectly plump lips and sparkling eyes. She confidently leads him towards her office, her hips swaying with each step.

Her office is super neat and tidy, with a large desk and comfortable chairs. There’s a bookshelf against one wall, filled with books on psychology and self-help. Claire takes a seat behind her desk and gestures for John to take a seat in one of the chairs facing her.

“Hi, John. I’m Claire. It’s great to finally meet you,” she says warmly, extending her hand to shake his.

John shakes her hand, feeling a little uncomfortable with all her sexy and confident style. “Hi, Claire. Nice to meet you too,” he replies.

Claire takes out a notepad and a pen, and starts jotting down some notes. “So, Sarah tells me you’ve been dealing with some stress lately. Can you tell me a little bit about that?”

John shifts in his seat, feeling a bit awkward talking about his personal problems with a stranger. But he knows he needs to get help, so he opens up to her.

“Well, yeah, I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with work lately. It’s been hard to manage everything and I just feel like I can’t catch a break,” he says.

Claire nods, jotting down more notes. “I see. And how have you been coping with the stress so far?”

John shrugs. “I’ve been trying to exercise more and eat healthy. But it’s not really helping.”

Claire nods sympathetically. “I understand. Well, let’s see what we can do to help you manage your stress better, okay?”

As Claire continues to ask John questions and take notes, she’s also subtly observing him, trying to gather information that will help her with her plan. She notices the way he twirls his wedding ring absentmindedly, the way he seems a little unsure of himself, the way he avoids making direct eye contact with her.

All of these details are noted down in her notebook, along with other observations about his behavior and personality.

As they settle into the therapy session, Claire takes a moment to gather her thoughts before beginning her line of questioning. She takes note of John’s body language, his posture, and the way he holds himself.

“John, how would you describe your marriage to Sarah?” she asks, her tone gentle and inquisitive.

John takes a deep breath, seemingly caught off guard by the question. “Um, well, I’d say it’s good. We have our ups and downs like any couple, but we love each other and we work through things,” he answers, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Claire jots down some notes in her notebook, making mental notes of the way John’s voice wavered when he answered her question. She decides to dig a little deeper, hoping to uncover any underlying issues in their marriage.

“That’s great to hear, John. Can you tell me more about the ups and downs you’ve experienced?” she asks, her tone still gentle but with a hint of curiosity.

John takes another deep breath before launching into a detailed account of the challenges they’ve faced as a couple. He talks about financial stress, communication breakdowns, and issues with intimacy. Claire listens carefully, taking notes as John speaks.

As John finishes speaking, Claire leans forward slightly, a fake look of concern on her face. “It sounds like you and Sarah have been through a lot together. How are you feeling about your marriage right now?” she asks.

John looks down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers as he tries to formulate a response. “I love Sarah, and I want to make things work and I’m sure she wants too. But it’s been tough lately, and I’m not 100% sure how to fix things,” he admits.

Claire nods sympathetically, jotting down more notes in her notebook. She can see that John is struggling, and she knows that she’ll have to tread carefully as she begins to implement her plan.

Claire leans forward, her eyes fixed on John, as she asks the question, “John, do you think you’re the best husband you could be?”

John pauses, considering the question before answering, “Well, I try my best to be a good husband. But I supose there are a couple things I could do better.”

Claire nods slowly, taking notes on her notepad, as she probes further. “Like what, John? What do you think you could do better?”

John fidgets a little in his seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable under Claire’s gaze. “Uh, well, I guess I could be more attentive to Sarah’s needs sometimes, you know? Like ... listen to her more, and do more things together, maybe?”

Claire smiles encouragingly, making a mental note of John’s responses. “That’s a great start, John. I think it’s wonderful that you want to be a better husband for Sarah.”

Claire nods along thoughtfully as John explains that he believes Sarah’s needs should be his priority. She smiles inwardly, feeling excited that this answer is in line with her plan.

“I see,” she says, taking a note on her notepad. “That’s really admirable, John. It’s important to put your partner’s needs first in a marriage, don’t you think?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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