Mad King Olaf: Favourites

1: The Eighth Warden Book 1 by Ivy Veritas
One of the most unique stories on this site, combined with a very talented author and well-crafted prose. Admittedly, there are some slow spots, but I've yet to be disappointed after pushing through. The only downside is waiting for the next update :)
2: Greenies by Al Steiner
An amazing introduction to an amazing universe, Greenies is not only the best of it's kind on SOL, but a true top-title in any Military Sci-Fi grouping, erotic or not. The second half is a bit socially heavy-handed, and the sex is jarringly unexpected, but that does little to detract from a perfect first half and memorable story overall.
3: In the Navy by Argon
High seas adventure mixed with lovable characters and a classic social strata love story. Another great SOL epic.
4: In the Red Wing by Charlie Foxtrot
A great story and an exceptional universe. The author's ability to slowly reveal the more complex world is masterful. While it certainly already meets high standards, I am eagerly awaiting what this universe has in store for the future.
5: Intemperance Book 1 - Climbing the Rock by Al Steiner
Another SOL classic by Al Steiner. Arguably better than any of the Greenies installments, which is a bold claim. It is, of course, well written, but it also manages to continuously refresh its cast of supporting characters and shift perspectives so that the story never becomes dull or monotonous.
6: John and Argent by cmsix
The perfect example of it's genre, J&A is CMSix and Time Travel at their peak. Copied by many and mastered by few, J&A is a great, easy read that never quite does the expected.
7: A Master's Ring by ElSol
One of the greatest epics on SOL, written by one of the most unique authors. Tainted only by it's perpetual "incomplete and inactive" tag. However, the existing three books are an amazing example of the best storytelling tactics while mixing classic erotic tropes in unique and page-turning ways.
8: The Portal: Doorway To Adventure by Lazlo Zalezac
Take a common idiom, "Damsel in Distress" and build a universe on it, then take your typical "man is orgasm's gift to women" story and flip it so it becomes believable without becoming boring. Sid's ride through crossroads spawns possibly the most successful multi-author universe on SOL.
9: Purgatory's Children by Fick Suck
Another author who has an excellently unique writing style. Get to know the Belini children as they move from sci-fi morlocks to galactic saviors, while each story exposes a complete social world that is amazing to behold.
10: Sea King by colt45
Again, an amazing story to start an amazing universe. Dent's journey as a newly minted warrior and his adventures in a strange new land take common tropes and mix them with high adventure and unique magic until something truly spectacular results.


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