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Hi All
Well we got the prologue out of the way. It has a couple of subtle changes in order to set up some things later.
Sunday, Chapter 1 will explain some things and lead the story back to the edge of the "O'Dell Universe" where I've decided it should go. My muse has reluctantly agreed that this is the way it should go.
I hope you enjoy the new Chapter 1.
Hi All
I have finished doing the rewrite for "On Guard". Starting on Jan 21 I will post 1 corrected and reframed chapter until I get caught up to the new chapters.
Many wrote and said the story was fucked up. Many wrote and told me to write the story the way I wanted to write it. I decided to do both. Once I looked at the parts that really pissed people off, I realized that my muse was high as a kite. I also realized that this story should be a sidebar to the "O'Dell Family Saga".
I like where the story is now and I like where it's going. I hope you do as well because from this point on, the answer to all comments about the story sucking will be answered with the words "Bite Me!"
Yours lovingly
Hi All
OK, a couple of things or more.
First, I've made a list of the favorites of my own stories. It's in the list list.
Second, I am almost done with the rewrite of "On Guard" and I should begin posting the rewrites this weekend.
Third, "The Passion of the O'Dells" is nominated for a Clitorides. I noticed that some authors are way into mailing lists and so on. One of the stories had 116 votes on the first day of the contest! If you like "The Passion..." give it a vote please.
Fourth, I really like doing "Life Is A Highway" by Tom Cochrane when I was singing with a band. The words have new meaning to me in this day. Be good out there.
Hi All
Usually when I get comments that say “You suck” or that meaning, I blow it off because it’s one comment out of many. But I just really stepped in it!
The last few chapters of “On Guard” have caused a shit storm and it’s all blowing at me. This is unprecedented in my short writing career so I am going to do something I never thought I would do.
I am going to suspend posting any more of the story and go back and address all of the common complaints. I may not make everyone happy, but the concerns will be addressed.
I enjoy writing and do it for fun. But if my efforts have pissed off this many people then I did something wrong.
So, “sejsejsrsen”, “cruisermike2000”, kkaenyne”, “OldBillyBob”, “sdc97230”, mycroft”, “Tyr2000”, “DJ of the Hudson”, “dwf4blk”, and “sawman12” – please bear with me while I re-examine and rewrite the past few chapters. I’ll let everyone know via this blog when I have fixed things and then you can let me know if I messed up.
Again, I do this for fun. I don’t post anything on pay sites or even on “Bookapy”.
As I have said to those any who have written me over the years, thank you for your readership and for caring enough to write me a note. I really do appreciate it.
Hi All
I recently posted "My Love Pays Off". I wrote it late at night as I was trying t empty my brain.
Over the next few days several people commented on the story and talking about rape. There is no rape in the story, so I'm wondering what the fuck these folks were thinking?
This happened once before and it pissed me off then. I've deleted all the comments having to do with the subject. As a matter of fact I have a scene with a rape coming up in a story and I'm having a tough time writing it. It's not a comfortable subject.
So in the future if you chose to comment on one of my stories, thank you, but don't comment on shit that isn't in the story!
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