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Hi All
So I was sitting at my desk writing and this silly idea popped into my head as is always the case when I'm trying to finish one the three stories I'm working on.
My Muse screamed, "SQUIRREL!" and I was off on another one of my goofy-assed tangents.
Tonight I will post the story "New Time, New Treasure, New World". As I wrote, read, re-read, edited, and read it again, I didn't recall seeing anything like it. So, here's hoping.
Also, a quick shout out to my friend Professor C. Due to a leg issue he has been stranded from his upstairs writing room. I'm hoping he gets better or that some kindly folks in the UK find a way to bring his room downstairs so he can finish writting some of the stories that have me waiting around for him to finish!
This whole thing is just an excuse for him to sit on his, as his British self would say, bloomin' arse and watch football and the ICC Cricket matches.
Get well soon my friend.
Hi All
Since I posted "The Depositor" there has been a sudden rush in emails and comments of many of my other stories.
First, thank you so much for reading. It makes me all warm and fuzzy! I do this writing stuff for fun and to have others enjoy it makes me happy.
Next, someone made a comment about story tags and so I went through all of the stories and checked to see if the story tags were accurate. I added some, deleted some, and let some stand. Thanks for the note.
Next, some of the comments concerned my egregious spelling errors on some of my self edited and self proof read stories. One of the stories was one of my personal favorites, "Jim and Paul". While checking the spelling, I also rewrote parts of it to make it more easily readable.
Again thanks for the comments and for reading and, just to let you know, progress on The Strawberry Patch", "The Strength of the O'Dells" and a new story that was born out of a case of writers block, are well on their way to completion.
Hi All
This is a comment posted after "The Depositor". He is the only reader who comments that got my point of view.
This is is comment:
BlueEyedGuy 10/11/2021, 4:20:49 PM
A well written piece. Vignette style a la "The Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits".
The epilogue repeating the opening scene except with a change in the main character just reinforces that "Twilight Zone"/"Outer Limits" association.
Thanks BlueEyeGuy! Well done sir.
Hi All
So I went to a local sports bar to watch some games and do some writing on one of the too many open stories I have.
When I got there, I reached in my pocket and found no thumb drive! No files! Nothing to do, but let my imagination run a little amok.
The result is "The Depositor" with no editing and minimal speel checking. Let me know and I'll fix errors.
Hi All
I'm afraid that I've been a bad boy and got myself into writing four stories all at the same time. I could begin posting chapters on the unfinished stories, but I swore I would never start posting a story until I was done writing it.
Luckily I have had a change of schedules at work and I now have three hours a day I can dedicate to writing. I can't give a date, because I write one until a thought occurs to me about another and I shift work to that repeat, repeat, repeat!
I appreciate all of the interest and concern my readers have expressed.
At this time, "The Strength of The O'Dells" has five chapters done, The Strawberry Patch: Babies Please Don't Go" has 17 chapters done, "On Guard" has 8 chapters done, and finally "I Was Sitting At Home With My Family On A Saturday Afternoon" has 6 chapters done.
Bear with me.
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