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Wrath's Child: Blog


Yeah. I'm still alive.

Posted at

So it's been a very long time since I posted anything. And it's entirely my own fault. Between the pandemic, losing a job, finding a new job (with hours that make any sort of personal time seem impossible) and my relationship falling to shit and having to find a new home, yeah... It hasn't been a good time.

But anyway, I posted a new chapter of Bloodthorne today. Hopefully the next won't be so long in coming.

DBuck; I sincerely hope you're still writing

Posted at

A while back, a very good author; with a few really great story lines in the works said he was giving it up because of people chopping him down based on spelling errors. What many of them don't realize is that he is functionally blind, and only has limited vision in only one eye. That said, the fact that he had the balls to post a story at all should be astonishing to the grammar snobs who spend their time on a free website, reading stories freely offered by authors who decide to write simply for the joy it brings them.

If a couple spelling errors are enough to make you vote a story a 1, do yourself a favor, and go find a community that charges you money to view its content, and pays it's authors a royalty. Because THEN, and ONLY THEN, do you have the right to expect the best. This is free content, brought to you by people with lives that they take a small part of, and devote it to writing something THEY take pride in. If you're only here to destroy the pride of someone who can do something you can't, then pardon my language here but, GET THE FUCK OUT!

Nobody, and nothing, can be as cruel or vindictive as a "critic" that can't do for themselves what they expect others to do for them. And I have seen too many authors who were doing excellent work on great stories bullied off of this site by so douche bags who expect perfection out of their free content, when they themselves either don't post stories of their own, or can't create a story that captures the imagination of the readers like the ones they tear down can. All due respect but fuck you very much, for taking those authors away from the fans who were enjoying their work.

And DBuck, if you're reading this, I hope that seeing you post a chapter to Soul Mates the other day means we can expect to see more coming from you again.

Your fan. Wrath's Child

It never even crossed my mind.

Posted at

So most of the feedback I've been getting about the first chapter of 'Bloodthorne" has been about not being able to visualize the world. As in a completely alien world, that I've only ever been seeing in my own mind. So... Just to make a little simpler, I drew a map. Well, part of one anyway, the world inside my head is MUCH larger, and I will add to the map as I write (otherwise I'd be drawing a map for the next 2 years) and adding them to the chapters they fall into. I have resubmitted chapter 1, with a map attached. If it works, you will have a map of The Heartland Kingdoms to help you navigate through the world of Darchonaria. I hope it helps.

Wrath's Child

Have you ever...

Posted at

I use Open Office for my story writing. I have it formatted to allow for a space between my paragraphs which helps me with proof reading and allows my eyes a chance to separate them a bit when I go back to confirm a detail or what not. I also use Page Breaks when I'm changing the perspective or setting within the story. Suddenly I'm finding my paragraph spacing isn't working (even though it's still formatted in my settings to do so) after I introduce a page break. And it is driving me INSANE.

So my question is, have you ever found yourself fighting the urge to hurl your thousand+ dollar computer across the room because of something so trivial? Because if I can't figure this out soon, that's EXACTLY what's gonna happen!

You've gotta be kidding me.

Posted at

So, I finally got around all of the real world problems that this pandemic has been causing, and posted the first installment of Bloodthorne. I'm sorry it took as long as it did. But on the plus side during this down side a lot of good things happened in my personal life.

For instance; I asked my amazing girlfriend to marry me, and to my complete surprise, SHE SAID YES! In that time as well, I officially moved in with her, and now have awesome home life. So yeah my life is on an upward trend.

And now the stupid part. I had already started writing chapter 2 of Bloodthorne. And had half a chapter worth of progress done. And then a windows live update restarted my computer. And I lost everything I had written. So I now have to start over from scratch on the chapter. So yeah... I officially hate Windows again. But don't worry I've already gotten half of what I lost rewritten. So hopefully this doesn't take forever to get done.

But this was just an update of sorts.
Thanks again to all the readers out there enjoying my work.
Wrath's Child



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