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Okay, so chapter eleven is out to my editors. It's been an uphill task to write, but hopefully won't need too much correcting or even re-writing. At present the intention is to post one more chapter after this one, and as I write this, the outline of chapter 12 is forming in my mind. Once Yelka's story is told to this point in history, it's back to a half-finished short story based in a small, old pub in a northern coastal town, an Oscar story - at least, that's the plan. That story is already 6.5K words and probably needs at least 3K more.
Chapter 9 is in the queue.
Today, though, Oscar had an outing for the first time in quite a while, and he carried me to the Yorkshire Air Museum and Allied Air Forces Memorial, somewhere I haven't been since coming off Oscar on the way there last time - was it last year, or the year before? Anyway, good outing, and a try-out of a new camera. I haven't ridden Oscar nearly enough in the last year.
An eagle-eyed reader, with obviously a much better memory than mine, has pointed out a continuity issue in the chapter. Yelka is, in fact, 18, and about the same age as Sylvia - Vee. I have submitted an amended chapter to correct this.
I've just submitted the latest chapter of Yelka. Earlier in the story I mentioned 'Stasia' as a character without further explanation. In fact, she appears in 'Nadiya' in the Serendipity series as a rescued sex slave. I may repost the relevant chapter when I have time, but most of my readers seem to devour everything and are familiar with each different series. Of course I do cross over and bring characters in because they are living in the same universe. Perhaps I ought to include more explanation?
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