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Tedbiker: Blog


Chloe and Burt again

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The sequel to Chloe and Burt is in the posting queue.

Well, hi!

Posted at

Having had a couple of enquiries as to my health and well-being (thanks, guys) I thought it worthwhile updating my blog. Other than the usual increasing infirmities of age I am fine, but my muse seems h=to have gone on holiday, or perhaps she's fed up of me being lazy/otherwise occupied. I cannot seem to settle to writing. I do have about 5k words of a Chloe and Burt sequel, but there's a way to go with that one. Nadiya, poor thing, is stuck at university and incommunicado. Currently I am more concerned with replacing a tricky bit of guttering on the east side of my house. Don't like heights and ladders, but don't trust local builders (sorry, folks). Anyone noticed the frightening increase in the cost of beer, by the way?
Anyway, that's it. I fully expect to be able to post something eventually.

Devastation Diaries

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New episode, or entry, on its way tomorrow, should be submitted in the morning UK time for posting pm. 'Verity's' story only comes out in the final chapter as the Chairman of the East of England Committee tells the story. Quite a bit of sex in this one, but not with Verity...
As always, your comments and feedback are appreciated.

Chloe and Burt

Posted at

New Dryad story on the way for the Easter weekend. We are acquiring a druid, who will have a role in the future somewhat distinct from other human Friends of the Wood. Should be posted Good Friday morning. Enjoy!

Padley Gorge

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Readers of my stories will be familiar with the setting of Padley Gorge in the Longshaw Estate. I hadn't visited for some years and, needing an excuse to ride Oscar, did so. I've included some photos taken with my smart phone, and the story should post later today. No sex, sorry.



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