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starfiend: Blog


Woolly Wilds 2

Posted at

I've finished WW2 at 79k words, and it's just going through the final stages of proof reading, editing, and canon checking before releasing to you lovely people.

Hopefully it will be released before the end of this month, however I've also made a number of minor edits (corrections mostly) to Woolly Wilds, and that will be re-released first, by a few days.

Maquis is stuck again. Writers block at 180k words sadly. Hopefully my inspiration will return shortly.

I'll let you all know just when it's ready.


Posted at

New story.

Have a serious writers block on my two swarm stories, Woolly Wilds 2 and Maquis, so I decided to look back at a number of other stories that I had started, but never quite got around to finishing.

Not one of my absolute favourites, but it was only a few hundred words from being finished, so I managed to get that done over the last few days.

Let me know what you think.

Also put up a few reposts having found, or had reported, a number of minor errors.

Have fun.


Haven't forgotten

Posted at

Most of you probably realise by now that I'm a very slow writer. However, until an email earlier this week, even I didn't realise just how slow I'd been.

I still like to hear from readers, both positive comments, and constructive criticism. Obnoxious rants will just get reported. I do try and respond, but work may mean I don't respond for a few days.

I've got two swarm stories simmering nicely, and two more that are just ideas for the moment. Woolly Wilds 2 will take off where Woolly Wilds finishes, while Maquis takes place a few years later.

Maquis is probably closer to being finished, but only because I'm actively adding to it at the moment. It's current 130k words, and I'm currently working on chapters 23, 24 and 25, with probably somewhere between another three to five to go to finish it.

Away from the swarm universe, I saw something on facebook recently, which led me to do a bit of quick and dirty research. This has got me part way through another story. The story has nothing to do with facebook though; that's just where I got the idea from.

Aside from that I still have over 50 stories in various states of repair, and just occasionally I keep adding to one or more as I get a new idea. Sadly a few of them will probably never be published as they are just too big, and I won't publish anything unless it's finished.

I am writing though. Honest.




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