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starfiend: Blog


Another new chapter this month

Posted at

Posting a second chapter, chapter 20, this month because it is very short. Hope you are all enjoying this.


Chapter 18

Posted at

Hi folks.

Hope you're enjoying chapter 18. Unfortunately it appears to have had a few extra line breaks inserted in slightly odd places. I've just checked the source and they definitely are not there so it's the submission process that has slightly bollixed it up. I'm going to try re-posting it later, having tweaked the source very slightly. Hopefully that'll make a difference.

Sorry about that.

Going forwards, next month there will be two chapters, but they will still be a few days apart.


Chapter 11

Posted at

Chapter 11 is a very short chapter, a few hundred words only. I'm expectibg to post 12 before the end of today.



Posted at

Just posted chapter 10

Chapters 11 and 12 later today or tomorrow, 13 later in the week.

Enjoy. Vote up or tell me why not. :)

Back again.

Posted at

It's taken a lot longer than I thought it would, and I'm still not fully set up yet, but I'm back on-line and working.

I've been checking my source documents through, and one of my proof-readers has just sent me some minor bits of re-work. I plan on getting at very least the next three chapters (one of them very short) up in the next week.




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