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starfiend: Blog


Maquis reposting.

Posted at

Hey folks.

I've just had Lazeez remove most of Maquis, and I've already queued the updates for the Prologue, Background and chapters 1 and 2. After that I will be posting two chapters a week until we're back to where we should be by then.

Thank you all for your patience and forbearance. I still haven't quite finished the very last four chapters, but I have finished the new chapter 13.

I am also going to post a new, short swarm story, possibly later today, possibly next week.


Thank you all.

Posted at

Thank you all so very much. In 24 hours I had 54 responses, probably 3 times what I was expecting. I loved all the positive comments in there as well, so thank you all for those as well. Not everybody chose an option, or variation of an option, just gave me lovely comments.

I had 2 people tell me to do what was easiest or best for me. I'm taking this as option 1!
1 vote for option 1, just lose the chapter.
19 votes for option 2, insert a new chapter and renumber.
14 votes for what I'm calling option 2a, which means insert a chapter 12a. (I'll have to check with Lazeez how this is done).
8 votes for option 3, insert it as a new chapter 34 and put some sort of comment in to say it should have gone earlier.
4 votes for (a sort of option 4!) tagging onto the start of chapter 12 (Or maybe 13)

I also had 7 people just telling me how much they were enjoying the story, without offering an option.

It's obvious most of you want to see the missing chapter, and most want it in the correct place. So that's what I'm going to do.

My next task is to finish it off as it is, and then decide whether to tag it onto 12 or 13, or whether to insert it as a new chapter. That partially depends upon how long it ends up being. I'll contact Lazeez when I'm ready to post, to determine how easy it is to insert a 12a, but a few people have suggested I repost the other chapters anyway to include all the tweaks and corrections I have done at the same time. If I'm doing this, then I might as well create a new 12, and renumber the rest, but I'll make a final decision closer to the time.

One thing I'd also like to say is that the main reason for the slow rate of posting is that the last five chapters (currently 45-49) are not yet complete. 45 probably just needs to be reviewed by the Swarm team, 46 and 47 are close but do need work, and 48 is still a way off. 49, technically is complete, but I'm classing it as incomplete in case it needs to change because of anything I do in 48.

Finally, thank you all very very much for the kind words and encouragement. It means a lot to me.


Maquis - Query, what should I do?

Posted at

Hey folks, this is a question for those of you following my Maquis.

As you may or may not know, a few months ago I had a hard disc failure, and for a couple of months was working off backups. I did manage to get that disc recovered, and in fact nothing I posted to SoL in the meantime had changed more than cosmetically.

However. I was going through some of the recovered files and last night found an old chapter, one that I started a long long time ago and then somehow forgot about. A chapter that should have gone in at about chapter 12 or 13. It still isn't quite finished, but can't sensibly just be rewritten to come in this late in the story.

Something and someone that is referenced in this chapter was referenced in an earlier chapter, but then hasn't been seen since, but is also referenced, albeit not to any great depth, in a couple of future chapters, including the chapter that was due to be posted in fourteen days time. This missing chapter, a fairly short chapter, ties that all together.

So. My question to you good people. Should I:

1) Just dump it and make minor changes to future chapters so that the missing chapter is not necessary.

2) Insert the chapter as Chapter 12 (or 13 - that's my decision and I'll see which is best), and then re number and repost all subsequent chapters.

3) Post it as the next chapter, though I suspect if I do lots of people will then jump down my throat saying 'this is too late' and 'why wasn't this done much earlier'.

Option 1 will be the quickest, but it does mean I lose a nice little thread that started in Chapter 3 or 4 (IIRC), and just 'dangles'.

Option 2 is my preferred option, but will involve a lot more work. As I understand it, I can't just renumber chapters, I have to resubmit them, so if I do this option I'll also add some tweaks and corrections to the renumbered, resubmitted, chapters.

I don't really like option 3, so I'll only do it if >90% of the votes are for this option.

Tell me.


Maquis chapter 34

Posted at

Is now in the posting queue. Enjoy.


Maquis chapter 33

Posted at Updated:

Sorry folks, I meant to post this last night. Instead I was busy proof reading a swarm story by our newest author. I'm posting it to the queue now.

Enjoy both stories.



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