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Shaddoth: Blog


Well hell

Posted at Updated:

Good thing I checked my posting before heading out for the day.

My apologies

The correct chapter is tine the que.

The folders are clearly named. the files are clearly named.
I was just a moron this morning....


new chapters posted

Posted at

chapt 9 in SS2 is up
Chapt 5 in Hero the escape is up.


Further stories.

Posted at

All the stories I post from now on will be complete before i begin posting. (maybe not completely edited though which explains the delay between chapters)

If i were to post one still in the process of being written, that will be made clear in the initial description. Probably other places too.

Unless something drastic happens to me again, you can count on me following through with the story posts.


SS book one

Posted at

First regarding SS book one.
I wrote that 11 or so years ago. I do know that the first four or five chapters are rough and mostly unedited.

No, i will not go back,(at least for a long while) to address or do a much needed complete rewrite.

I do note all pointed out mistakes and save them though. they are appreciated.


new submission

Posted at

Hero the escape is approx 50k words over 11 chapters. (which vary greatly in length.) The story itself is complete and hopefully will be edited in less than two weeks. I am aiming at two to three chapters a week for that one.

To my well wishers. Thank you, very much.
I decided not to reply to each and every one, but make a general announcement giving my appreciation on the matter.




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