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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Shaddoth: Blog


My Epic.

Posted at

It's finished and sent to a cleaner.

Lets hope they get most of the stains out and home in less than a month. it is longer than a novel by pretty much any publisher's definition.

As for the next one posted after Biomancer. not sure yet, the few up for consideration need a review before the cleaners get their hands on it.



Posted at

I posted the beginnings of a new story today
it is complete. just needs to be cleaned after edition.
Its about the same length as HTE.

Thanks Greatly, to P.H for his monumental efforts on my behalf, finding and suggesting better ways of conveying my intent.

I hope everyone can enjoy (and leave a bit of feedback now and then).


My writing style (or lack thereof)

Posted at

how I actually get anything written is beyond me.

I start with a premise. such as a Hero walking away from the world he just saved in disgust. on arrival he makes a bigger splash than he knew or expected.

finding a nice quiet spot to build a new home, his 'splash' comes back to bite him in the ass.

the story is how they and he deal with repercussion of the first contact.

no outline, no real goal or end point in my mind.
characters are built on the fly with depth added after before during and after their fist introduction. ( hopefully)

Unless the story is long, (more than 50 or 60k) I dont even have a finale in mind until most of the way through the book.

the half dozen i have finished below 60k words were all written in the same manner. SS a and SS 2 were the same.

I write and see where the story and characters take me.
NO pre-planning, Pure Inspiration.

Wish me luck.

Kassandra's Portals Universe

Posted at Updated:

Is now open. Read the description before posting please and above all have fun.


story size and classifications and a Tease

Posted at Updated:


I looked around and everyone has a different classification of what a novella and a novel are when it comes to word count.

Wiki, is 17,500 to 39,999 words for a Novella

40+ for a novel

publishers are more of the 'Novellas run from 30,000 to 50,000' and 55-300k for a novel type. With an admonishment to keep it in the middle somewhere since people these days have a fifteen second attention span...

I'm going with the Wiki template.

That brings me to what I was going to post in the beginning.

I have a few novels that need polishing before posing. One was just sent for a final proof today.

Unless he completely takes a torch to my manuscript, we should be seeing my baby novel's first chapter soon-ish.

I've learned not to rush volunteers.

ie, you get to see it, after i get it back and muck my way through the myriad changes.

And yes, it is completed.


Ps, i have a non-15second attention span one that is being cleaned, maybe a month away.



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