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Shaddoth: Blog


best auto correct of the week

Posted at

... She murdered, unsatisfactory...
it was supposed to be:
... she murmured, unsatisfactory...

still need that telepathy plug in.

Ever have one of THOSE weekends...

Posted at

mine could have been better.

no one died, no one got in an accident or was diagnosed with a life altering disease.

That didnt mean that it didnt hurt and didnt suck.

This week's posting might be delayed a day or three. I did little the last few days.

take care

Ever write a story and..

Posted at

I was well into one of my fun stories when it made a left turn. We weren't even to Albuquerque yet.

When I write, I try and let the characters that I picture in my mind drive the story with their decisions. I might preplan and end, but the character doesn't always follow my plans, preferring to let it flow as naturally as I can. I hate forced endings and refuse to write one.

In that story, I can't unwrite what happened. But i am at a loss on how to proceed. Shelving it after 55+k words is painful, but necessary for now.

It's also the reason why i have so many WIP stories, when an inspiration hits me, I can return and continue. like one that I recently finished. It sat on the shelf for almost a full year.

Off to the next one.


HTE chapt 6

Posted at

it was a much longer chapter than usual.
I, we, paid for it with extra mistakes.

I'll try and do better in the future. no guarantees :p


well that ruined my morning....

Posted at

the correct chapter for SS2 is now up in place from one from a different story.

Again, I apologize for those that were screwed up by my mistake.




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