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Shaddoth: Blog


UG, Moving sucks.

Posted at

I'm not as young as i used to be.
I have way too many books. way too much junk to be carting around.

What is worse is that the two dates do not overlap.
I'm supposed to close on my current place on the 6th of next month and the one I am purchasin is closing on the 12th.

I'll be homeless for a week. which means i move twice since I have to put everything in storage.


You have Mail. You have been reviewed...

Posted at

After a cross country (half way) trek, I finally turned on my comp again to see what was new in SOL. I find I have a review. And its by someone unimpressed with my writing style.

Well they, whoever they are, say that any pub is good publicity. So, yay me.

Then I open my SOL mail and find not one but three from the reviewer. From his tone, he seems agigated that I didn't use an editor. Which was repeated in all three emails. In fact, the last email stating to me to get an editor. (which I had months ago but after writing and posting; Hero, the Escape.)

His objections to my writing were two-fold. One was he disliked some of my sentences with ambiguity and the other was mostly on sentence structure.
Those two 'common' faults were enough to give me a three in technical.
*Shrug. His choice.

My only question for him, other than why such a harsh grade was: If you disliked my writhing style so much, why keep reading?

SOL is a free site with hundreds of thousands of stories by Amateur authors, editors and proofreaders.
You did not pay for the story to read so have nothing invested. You don't pay to use the site, unless you want to, so no impetus there.

None of his emails came across as constructive criticism, so his intent was not to help me better myself.
Maybe he was angry that he thought I could have or should have done a better job writing it.

He says he is a writer in his self description and I glanced at a couple of his short stories… Maybe it's a situation of those that can't, holler at others so they feel better. But then I looked at his other reviews and they were favorable.

So, in the end no clue why he seemed so angry at my writing yet kept reading.

I don't know. Takes all kinds, I guess.

Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day.

UG inked an offer on a new house wish me luck

Posted at

now all I can do is wait for the appraiser for my current place to pass muster so that the ones who want my place can have their mortage go through.

After I get paid in a month, the money will pass out of my hands a week later.

Grrr, the whole process has sucked.


Chapter 5 of DM is up

Posted at

UG got Smith back from the first cleaner and i have more work cut out for me than expected.

Dungeon Master.

Posted at

I am throwing a new short story out there and hope to see if there is any interest in a universe following this premise.

I have a few ideas bouncing around my head. One particularly ready to begin flushing out on word. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, I will start typing.

Let me know what you think.



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