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Peter Duncan: Blog


Merrie Comstock's Dilemma

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I originally wrote this as "Office Party" and deleted it. I pulled it up again and thought it was worth rewriting, certainly better written.

I'm working on a third chapter but am not sure it's worth posting.

Couples Sharing in the Faith Chapter 10

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I posted this as a stand-alone, but after rereading the entire body of the work I decided to put this back in. Because it really fits. I have done a lot of editing so I am going to add the two chapters I took out some time ago. Thank you for your continued support.

Peter Duncan

I'll Take Manhattan (A Couples Sharing in the Faith story)

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I took this segment out of the original body of "Couple Sharing in the Faith" because I didn't think it fit the flow of the story. I have rewritten it and posted it as a stand-alone story.

Boot Scootin at the Texas Two Step Saloon

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After being given a heads-up about the double-dealing that Grover McClintock is doing, including having Pete cuckolded, Pete returns home, confesses his affair with Dotty McCord, and lets Lydia know that he is wise to her affair with Clint Murdock, the two have dinner, rent a short-term room at the hotel and work on getting their marriage back together.

Dorothy's Cottage

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Last night I watched the movie “Summer of 42” for probably the tenth time. It is an autobiographical story about the author in his early teens in the summer of 1942 vacationing on Nantucket Island with two of his friends. I highly recommend The movie, to anyone who might be interested in a sweet coming-of-age story with a surprising ending. Since I am old enough to remember the Second World War it might have more meaning to me than others. Also, since I have been obsessed with sex since I experienced my first erection and have undergone so many fantasies with young women such as Dorothy (a young twenty-something who is so purely attractive) I have often put myself in the position the Hermie, the main character of “Summer of 42.”The movie was rated R because of the bedroom scene which by today’s standards was incredibly mild, just showing Dorothy and Hermie lying side by side on the bed under the covers after suggested sex, staring blankly at the ceiling. Years later the rating was changed to PG.

This is my detailed version of what went on at Dorothy's cottage that night.



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