I have posted Chapter Five, telling how Darrell discussed his dilemma with sex to Jim Correy, and how Jim's daughter and he set up the ruse.
The Breedlove's Special Dinner
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This is a chapter in the body of Breaking the Mold, that stands alone from the flow of the story, so I have posted it as a stand-alone story. I have completely rewritten and reedited it.
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I have changed Brad's name to Gary
I have submitted Chapter 2, where Brenda, disappointed with the sex she has with Darrell forces him to accept her giving him fellatio.
Couples Sharing in the Faith
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Working on Chapter 14. I have reread and re-edited chapter 13 to improve syntax.
Duffy's Tavern Chapter 6
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Edited and found a couple of errors. I edited and reposted.