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Pete Fox: Blog


3 New Chapters Acts of Passion and Violence posted

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I have posted 3 new chapters to Brock Acts of Violence and Passion. We finally get violence, not of the BDSM type, but also lots of passion. So much I had to break it into two chapters. My hope is/was to balance the violence of chapter 4 with equal amounts of passion in the next chapter but well got carried away.

Relationships old and new move along having fun and drama. Zack is still into his breastfeeding kink, and he also has new girl to be interested in. At the same time his father’s company is under threat. This in the first story I wrote heavily from Brocks point of view early on.

I'll pause the story at chapter 6 for a while. I’m traveling so less time and have a couple of others short story ideas I want to try and write.

On a side note. I started this story while I was traveling in Greece and as a result you will see many Greek influences and well I got a bit wordy in chp 1 around my love of Aphrodite. If you can see one of her statues in person, you will fall under her 2500+ year old spell too.

I also dropped at least 6 homages to classic, tv, movie and music groups in the story… you have to look closely, some are obvious others you might have to do a bit of sleuthing.

Thanks for reading all feedback appreciated. And a reminder this is an ongoing series.

Pete Fox

Chp 3 Brock Acts of Passion and V has posted- party time

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Chapter 3 has posted. The underwear and welcome party for the Sinclair’s kicks up a few notches in intensity and passion. This chapter mostly focuses on the action on the back patio. I’m finding that the key to writing these larger party stories is focusing on the small groups, breaking it down to 4 or 5 key relationships. I also like details from drink to art to boobs so I get a little wordy at times so readers need deal with it. :)

For those who don’t write or who are thinking of doing so. ‘Hosting’ a party on paper is just as complicated as in the real world. Who do you invite, what time of day, how many people, what’s the theme? Who supplies the food and drink and entertainment? What does the venue look like? Writing the story gets complicated fast, if like me you try and paint a nice interesting picture but not go over the top with details. This is all before figuring out what actually happens at said party.

In this story I have some overall goals for the bigger story (passion and violence) and minor goals for each chapter in my head. I also have themes like Zack being challenged by a girl outside his Saint-U circle who does not participate in his lifestyle. Brock facing a big threat from competitors and what does that look like. At the same time exploring the relationships that have developed over 7 previous stories and pushing them further down the road in a realistic manner for 2029. The rest who does who and does what just comes out as I write. Even I was surprised by the ending of chapter 3.

I have a certain show vs tell narrative style. Not for everyone and sometimes slow. I don’t do the mechanical highly detailed sex scenes, but sex is there and is a key part but so is the story and relationships. Readers will also get doses of history and moral philosophizing and of course boobs. If its not clear the story takes place in 2029, a few years from now so I have freedom to make some stuff up but I do try and remain grounded.

Thanks for checking my work out. Not sure when the next chapter will drop. But you can assume there will be violence soon, balancing out the passion. Note not a BDSM story in anyway.

Pete Fox

Nashville, TN

New chapter Brock Acts of Passion and Violence is up

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I recently posted chapter 2 of Acts of Passion. In this chapter the underwear welcome party for the Sinclairs kicks into higher gear with some games and some sex, still it's mostly sexy set up for later chapters.

I also introduce to my protagonist Zack a new character a girl from outside his circle. The long term point being to show contrasts between his sex date free for all world, with what is 'normal' outside his smallish bubble and what he is missing as he grows up.

Also I start to dig deeper into the dark side of the private military company Pegasus Group, that Brock is Chief Operating Officer (COO) of. Mainly because I want to add an action element to the story. A little bit more interesting than sex scenes with the same old people.

I try to be true to the details and emotions in this 2029 world. I’m a history buff so I do throw in nuggets of real world history. I also spend time looking at aspects of what the world might be like a few years from now when it comes to the Great Game and such. My editor also does a good job of keeping me true.

No idea when chapter 3 will drop. I am writing them as I go and have time. Often writing myself down a path then starting the drafting process over. Voting, I turn that on near the end. No one should vote on a story they have not read most of.

Thanks for reading, feedback always appreciated.

Start of a new story posted. Brock Acts of Passion and Violence

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I posted chapter 1 of a new story set in Sex Date Universe. I purposfully say 'set in' the universe becase not sure how much sex dating there will be. After an early summer of watching an intense action series that I read as a book come to life on streaming tv. I felt inspired to continued with wrting more action scenes along with some sexual situations and fun of course.

Hence the title words, Passion and Violence. No not a BDSM story. I will let the story speak for itself over time. I'm also back to writing one chapter at a time and releasing, finding the story as I go. No idea of story length as of yet. I might pause to write something else if I hit a mental block.

Some elements of this story do come from my recent trip to Greece.

Enjoy. Feedback is apprecidated. I do write for my pleasure telling stories I want to read then sharing with the SOL community.

A Steele Family Weekend has completed posting - no links

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This version does not have hyperlinks, see my author page for those.

My latest story in the Sex Date Universe has posted, A Steele Family Weekend. It will be the last for a couple of months. This story is an Action / Adventure vs Erotica. Though there is some sex and a kink. It came of an idea how to start with an action scene that was a minor head fake. But still fun and sexy. It is a weekend away with the Steeles and Zacks friend Olivia. This story also dives deeper into where Olivia came from after she did not get the screen time she deserved in the last couple of stories, though she was always there.

If you pay attention you might come away learning how to ‘fight’ or get your car through a roadblock. Everything you need to know is there but in story form. I wanted this story to be lighter and fun. The first 2 chapters deal with the weekend away. Chapter 3 was going to be the epilogue with a few updates on our crew, but I made it a chapter after it grew in length. Chapter 3 catches up with Melisa, Sarah, Ruth, Ms. Franks and wraps up the Olivia storyline. The actual Epilogue came about because of events that started in Feb in Ukraine, forcing the world to look at modern warfare in a new light. The epilogue is short and to the point setting up a future story line.

As always, I strive for realism in a fantasy future not to far from now. I mean wouldn’t you like to go to Saint-U and have dates like these and friends like them. My editor Steve strives to keep me grounded checking my facts so there is that. Historically accurate and emotionally true but also fun is the goal. Please don’t take the interactions between our adults and teens to seriously.

If you have not read any of the stories this long holiday weekend would be a good time to give my work a look. I started in 2019 and have been learning since then. I also have a few other stories, A Massage with Friends is another popular read.

Enjoy the ride. As I write this the scores are all over the place on SOL. So toss in your vote if you like my effort. Or send me a DM if you have feedback.

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