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Dear Readers,
Now would be a good time with the New Years holiday to give this book a reread. I have read all 14 chapters again this week and so has my editor, Steve. Or please read the book for the first time. It looks great downloaded on a tablet or on your phone.
With the completion of book 1 of the Home Nudity Experiment it was time to go back and edit, revise and word smith. Edits have been done to chapters 1 to 11. I posted the first chapter in July, 6 months ago. My style of writing is I just put pen to paper with a couple of goals and write. I literally let the characters interact on the page and see what happens. As my editor Steve comments these characters have depth and motivation. Yes there is sex among family and friends. But hopefully it all makes sense. The characters are imperfect and the idea in itself that mere nudity with liberal boundaries can solve their problems is problematic as you will read.
My goal with each chapter is to surprise you, the reader. This is fiction so go with it, but also question the characters motivations and choices. Look for clues as to what is coming. This a character driven story with some sex along the the way, yes there is sex in each chapter.
Along the way were learn Bob is in a National Guard Special Forces unit scheduled to go back to Afghanistan. Bob’s sexy archaeologist sister gets a job offer from a secret military unit in Colorado Springs (Fanfiction SG1 teaser). JoAnn, Bobs wife, we learn has an incestuous past. The 4 kids all have issues and mix it up with the family in bed and out of as they figure out their sexuality. Then there is Pastor Scott and his family who jump into the deep end with home nudity and all that follows. Big boobs and adult breasfeding. There are friends who join along with relatives, Bob's and JoAnn's parents. This story starts in November 2005. Bonus, starting in chapter 11 to 14, I start to experiment with AI generated character art giving the readers some character nudes.
The story does not wrap up with chapter 14. There are loose ends. I envision 3 books total. A 3-act story with book 2 / act 2 getting darker and crazier.
So, I wish you a Happy New Year, 2024.
The final chapters of Book 1 are being posted. Chapter 13 today, 14 Thursday, and a short epilogue on Friday will close out book 1 and the first act.
The story is really a fun telling of what happens when a normal American family turns to a self help book with dubious ideas for help. Based on an original 2-chapter story from another author I gave the characters backstory and depth and had fun with writing a fun believable sexy story. Credit to my editor Steve for all the edits and suggestions. Later on, I even added a few pieces of AI character art.
I anticipate a 3 Act story. This will not be one of those never ending 189 chapter SOL books that won’t die. Book 2, which will cover the first part of 2006 is just an idea in my head and requires more reading and research. Yes, for a historical piece like this I read and Google doing my research, so I get the details right, that takes time.
So if you want a fun read. 117K words or 260 Word pages of sexy fun and life with an American family and their friends circa 2005 give Wilkins and Friends a look. More to come.
Feedback and helpful comments appreciated.
I recently posted Chapter 12.
A lot happens in this chapter. Including more art. This in the second to last chapter in Book 1. I am traveling and anticipate Chp 13 by the end of December.
Chapter 11 posted earlier this week. This chapter picks up after the Christmas party with scenes involving Caroline, Youth Group Leader Jennifer, family, and other familiar faces.
For the first time this chapter has art. Yes, AI rendered character art (18+). An experiment. Character art has something I have wanted to do since I started writing but was unable to make happen but now tech has caught up.
The story takes place in the middle of December 2005 closing in on Christmas. There are probably 2-3 chapters left in this Act 1 of 3 Acts.
Feedback and comments are always appreciated.
Earlier this week Chapter 10 posted.
This chapter concludes the Wilkins small Christmas party as things kick into higher gear in the living room. I'll just say a kitchen timer and wooden spoons are involved.
I am currently writing chapter 11 which I hope will be near the same length at around 7k words.
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