Brock: Acts of Passion and Violence - Cover

Brock: Acts of Passion and Violence

Copyright© 2022 by Pete Fox

Chapter 1

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1 - 5th place Best Incest Story 2023. A story set in the Sex Date Universe. The Steele family throws a sexy swinging party for the Sinclair family. Things get tough at work for Brock, requiring action. The party moves to the next level between teenage Zack and his ladies. The action moves overseas and Passion and Violence collide. International and Nashville locations. The family comes together in a New Years Eve foursome. Updated March 2024.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Lesbian   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Big Breasts   Clergy  

Note to readers, this story is number 8 in a series. The stories build on each other. To fully appreciate the relationships and story it might be best to start with Hannah and Zack a Sex Date or the Brothel Night, the 2nd story which expands and introduces several new characters and themes.

Steele Family Residence

Brock sat back on the comfortable well-used leather couch in his study listening to the music and loud voices in the backyard. His study was both a place of work and relaxation. At the moment he had to deal with a work issue that was not yet a crisis but could be if not handled with a firm hand. He took a sip of the dark amber bourbon from the cut glass tumbler, nice. The bottle of Horse Solider Reserve that sat on the side table next to the decanter was a gift from Centurion Training LLC in North Carolina who were now business partners.

In addition to the table that held his bourbon and glasses, there was a large bookcase and a big screen entertainment system on the wall opposite the couch above a gas fireplace. His desk with a computer and dual monitors sat in the corner near a large window. The wood-paneled walls were covered in memorabilia and framed photographs. On the floor, a colorful Persian rug covered the hardwood floor in front of the couch.

Natural soft early evening light filtered into the room through the blinds that covered the window that looked out on the side of the house facing the three-car garage where Eva’s new apartment was being built.

Hung on the wall or in frames on shelves were pictures of Brock in uniform, family vacations, and a few choice family photos going back decades. Brock’s eye settled on a picture near his desk that he knew well. A black and white US Army signal corps photo of his great grandfather laying behind a .30 caliber machinegun in the deep snow of the Ardennes Forest in December 1944; a young sergeant with an old face in the 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles at Bastogne. The photo represented sacrifice and duty to Brock, something he felt recent generations had forgotten.

He glanced at the steel Rolex Submariner on his left wrist. Brad should be breaking free of the party soon and joining him. Brock stood and walked over to a framed oil and canvas painting that hung on the wall next to the door to the small ensuite bathroom. The painting depicted a busty nude girl pushing away a young, winged boy, Eros. The painting was a gift from his wife a few anniversaries ago, an expensive copy of Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros by Bouguereau, one of his favorite neo-classic painters.

First, he looked at the study door that was partially open to the hallway that led to the living room, no one was there. A wall-mounted video monitor by the door showed security camera feeds of the guests in the backyard. His guests were enjoying a casual musical ‘jam session’ led by country legend Charlie Wilks as they drank beer, wine, and cocktails from the bar on the patio. The purpose of this afternoon’s party was to welcome the Sinclair family to Nashville. Brock had agreed, reluctantly, to his wife’s request to host a small party in their backyard. He had a lot going on, so he left the details to her.

Kate, Sarah, and their brother Josh made up the musical trio The Sinclair’s and were the center of attention this afternoon. They were playing music with Charlie Wilks at the back of the property near his wife’s home office, a nicely decorated She-shed. A white canopy at the back of the house just off the wood deck had a half dozen large round tables covered in white tablecloths along with folding chairs, ready for the evening’s catered dinner.

His wife Julia’s latest addition to the backyard was a modest-sized marble and stone fountain with a three-quarter life-sized statue of a Greek goddess as a centerpiece. The goddess of love, Aphrodite, nude and in perfect form, marble white, stood bathing in a pool of clear blue water in the center of the freshly cut green grass between the house and her home office. Aphrodite’s curly hair was held up by a wide band as she prepared to bathe. The young woman was bent slightly at the waist with her right leg slightly in front of the left and her blank eyes cast down. Her left hand rested just below her waist, partially covering her genitalia while her delicate right hand held the edge of a piece of cloth against her thigh as she washed. Aphrodite’s round white marble breasts were perfectly proportioned round mounds with the puckered nipple of each breast exquisitely etched and formed. From the granite rock behind her left hip, water fell in a two-foot waterfall into a shallow pool at her feet before flowing down a series of small waterfalls and out of sight underground.

Aphrodite was quite striking, beautiful back then and still today now over two millennia since she was first carved nude, the details perfect, painted to appear lifelike she would have been the Playboy centerfold of its day and been the centerpiece of any Greek or Roman nobles’ garden or baths. Julia had told him its provenance before she told him the cost and he cringed. In the fourth century BCE, Aphrodite was the first Greek woman to be depicted in the nude in art and caused quite a stir.*

While living in Vienna, Julia saw a copy of a similar statue in a museum and had desired one ever since. She made the ask of him in August after she found this statue for sale at an estate auction. Recently back from the debauchery of the naturalist camp in Florida he was feeling pleased with her and hoping to keep things going well so he agreed to the purchase. It took two months to deliver and install while the flower garden would be planted in the Spring by a professional landscaper. He had to admit that the statue and fountain looked good and were a nice addition to the backyard.

It was around this fountain that a loose circle of teens and adults sat watching the Sinclair teens play music, mostly following Charlie Wilks’s lead as they ‘jammed’, improvising new sounds with the occasional well-known song tossed in, to the delight of their audience. His daughter Heidi wore a pretty blue strapless dress and sat flute in hand in a chair next to Charlie, a big smile on her face. Her redheaded friend Michelle sat next to her, piccolo to her lips, her body wrapped in a short skintight dress that left little to the imagination about her young teenage figure. Sarah stood near Charlie with her fiddle to her shoulder while Kate with her banjo and Josh his steel guitar both sat on stools, resting their instruments on their laps as they picked away. Both girls looked nice in dresses whose hems stopped mid-thigh and showed plenty of bare shoulders.

As they played, a young blonde woman who was one of Charlie Wilks’s trusted publicity reps recorded the jam session for social media. Being seen with the country music legend would be good for the young band’s brand. Nearby his son Zack and a score of teenagers and an equal number of adults sat in groups of chairs and patio couches on the grass watching and listening while they socialized. Providing a nice, good-looking friendly background for the social media recording.

Brock spotted Brad, a VP of Flight Operations at Pegasus, standing behind Eva, Brock’s new 2nd wife, massaging her shoulders as she sat on a wicker outdoor couch next to Emily Sinclair, mother of the band, who was talking with Brad’s own busty wife Lindsey. He was pretty sure Brad was enjoying looking down the top of Eva’s low-cut blouse at her large braless chest while he rubbed her shoulders and made small talk. Just as well he was going to send Brad to go back to Warsaw earlier than planned to continue working on the support contract and to deal with some new potentially troubling developments.

He noticed that Zack’s friend Pete was sitting with Tiffany Wilks with an arm casually across her shoulders while watching her dad play. Brock wished Pete good luck. The sweet innocent-looking fourteen-year-old had been a joy to fuck at the end of May and well worth the price he paid to officially take her virginity.

His across-the-street neighbor Hannah was holding court with Sonya, Sophia, and Danika’s sister Clara in a group of chairs not too far from her parents. There were a few other teenagers, friends of friends sitting in small groups near the small stage set up in front of Julia’s She-shed. Every one of them dressed nicely for the afternoon party. The girls for the most part in dresses with a few even daring to go sans bra while the boys wore khaki pants and button-down shirts or polos.

Of the adults, there were the friends they had made in the last few months plus a few others to round out the guest list. Their neighbors, the Strongs, Hannah’s parents, were here. The Van Winters and several people from the Van Winter-Sinclair family were in attendance welcoming their relatives from Missouri. Ruth and her mom sipped drinks while talking with Danika. Ruth had left her young daughter at the Strong’s where Hannah’s sister was doing babysitting duties for anyone not old enough for the party.

Brock had invited his next-door neighbors, an older gentleman who was a banker and his young Filipina wife. They sat talking with a casually dressed Fr. O’Malley and Novice Nun music teacher Ana, a pretty short-haired blonde who didn’t look older than thirty.

Old enough to be Sonya’s mom, an open secret she shared with Sonya’s father, Fr. O’Malley. Brock had had a few ‘dates’ with the tall, dark-haired Sonya after Brothel Night. The teen had wanted to attend an expensive summer volleyball camp and was willing to whore herself out to him for the price of his paying for camp, which he paid willingly. He smiled to himself at the memory of her young body and the things she was willing to try. He was pretty sure she would come calling again the next time she was in need.

Brock watched as Julia walked into the backyard from the side gate with their late arriving guests, who had to wait until near the end of Shabbat to join them. Julia was talking to a tall dark-haired woman as Jonathan, Rebekah, and Gal followed behind.

The woman was very pretty with dark Mediterranean looks and had a certain grace to her walk that made people look. From the pictures he had seen of Zack and Heidi’s trip to Israel, he knew this was Yael, Jonathan’s wife. The group headed for the wet bar on the back patio deck, where Melisa was doing the honor of serving up drinks. Brad was on the move, after kissing Eva on the cheek Brad had left the young blonde Estonian beauty talking with Emily and Lindsey and was now headed to the bar.

Turning his attention back to the painting, Brock touched the bottom right corner of the heavy gilded frame with his right index finger, holding it there until he heard a click. At the click, the painting swung away from the wall revealing a modest-sized wall safe. Brock used a retinal scan and his six-digit code to unlock the safe. Opening the heavy door, he removed a slim black box the size of an old external hard drive. Before closing the door and swinging the painting back into place he took a quick mental inventory of the safe’s contents to confirm nothing was missing,

He sat at the big mahogany desk modeled after the famous H.M.S. Resolute Desk, modified somewhat for his needs, keeping an eye on Brad’s progress, and placing the black box in front of him next to his drink. Brad had stopped at the portable bar near the back deck, talking with Melisa as she grabbed two bottles of beer for him. Melisa looked good dressed in a nice form-fitting black dress that showed off her athletic swimmer figure and firm chest.

Keeping an eye on the monitor as he sipped his drink, Brock focused his attention on Zack, as Rebekah sat down with him and Olivia in a small circle of chairs, a glass of wine in hand. As he watched, Zack glanced over the girl’s heads in the direction of Rabbi Abrams and his wife Yael, his gaze lingering for a long moment as they found open seats at a table on the grass still accompanied by Julia. Yael was a good-looking woman, dark-haired like her daughters, athletic, moving with the rare grace of a person who knew what she was about. Zack had good taste, and so did Jonathan, her husband.

Surprised to see her, Zack could not help but look. Yael, his beautiful lover from Israel, and Rebekah’s mother sat thirty feet from him talking with the other adults as his mom introduced the Abrams to the other guests. Gal had wandered off, to find a group of girls her age. Maybe ‘lover’ was too strong a word, but Yael had left a deep impression on his heart.

They didn’t have a relationship outside of what they had done together, first with Rebekah then just once alone in Haifa before he left for home. They had messaged a few times over the last few weeks sharing personal news while he tried to flirt with the older woman. She never mentioned she was coming to Nashville so soon. Yael suddenly turned her head in his direction, caught his gaze, smiled then returned her attention to Julia, Jonathan, and the people around her.

Rebekah saw his eyes looking behind her, took a sip of red wine, and reached a hand to his knee. Olivia’s attention was on the music being played by the group in front of the She-shed a few feet away.

“Later,” Rebekah said as she leaned in closer letting him catch sight of her generous cleavage, and the little silver Star of David resting there. She smelled nice too, jasmine.

Zack nodded and took a sip of wine. He joined the girls in drinking wine. Later, yes. He placed his free hand on hers.

The meeting in the study was conducted with the door locked and the anti-eavesdropping protections turned on. Brock kept the conversation short and to the point. He declined the offered beer, pointing to his bourbon. Pushing over to Brad a small box containing the data storage device that could only be accessed by the intended user. Anyone else and bad things would happen. Brock had Brad come around the desk and read a report displayed on the screen.

Brad took a couple of minutes to read and digest the information before taking his seat again. By the end of the meeting Brad understood the seriousness of the situation and what needed to be done. Brock asked him to leave for Poland in the morning.

While in Poland, Brad was to relay the relevant parts of the report to a contact in the Polish Ministry of National Defense and give the person the box. While he was there, he was instructed to attend a meeting in Estonia that Eva was setting up. He reminded Brad that Pegasus was facing increased competition from foreign actors, namely the Russians but also from other private entities as they pushed into new markets. Brad said he understood and would do what needed to be done.

Despite Brad’s playboy attitude when it came to the ladies and young girls, he was a pro when it came to work. He was eager to get out of the office and back in the field. The fact that the pretty Polish office manager Beata was a regular bed partner whenever he visited the Polish capital might have something to do with the smile on his face.

Standing up, Brad made a request of Brock, “Do me a favor and check in on Lindsey and the girls while I’m gone this time. Lindsey has family around, but I would appreciate it all the same,” he said, as he got ready to leave.

“Of course, I will, maybe even drop by for dinner,” he assured him as he stood from the desk, they shook hands. Brad took the box and slid it into his front pants pocket.

Brock of course would look in on Brad’s wife and daughters, his meaning clear and Brock’s acceptance clear. An unspoken understanding between the two incestuous fathers and military veterans.

He still had a couple of things left to finish on his desktop computer before he could join the party. Brock shot off a note to the Pegasus travel team to confirm that Brad was leaving tomorrow and to book his flights. With that out of the way, he turned to an important piece of party admin that he had insisted on and wanted to double-check. Sadly, in this day and age, non-disclosure agreements for parties with scary draconian legal language about penalties for violations were a must. At least for the type of party that probably would unfold later this evening. He checked the guest list against the NDAs and saw that everyone who was here had either signed the eform or had a parent sign.

Even his next-door neighbors knew what was expected and still came over.

Lastly, he checked the most recent piece of military-grade tech he had installed at the house, an anti-drone sensor package with knock-down capabilities was running. The sky overhead looked clear and his device would alert him if that changed. Brock looked up from the screen just before he heard the soft knock on his door. He smiled upon seeing her young face and motioned for her to enter.

“Uh, hi,” the young girl said, as she slowly entered the study, looking at him and then at the walls with all the photos and memorabilia. “I was bored out there and wanted to see you...” Sophia’s big dark eyes looked at him her nervous hands clutched in front of her pretty, form-fitting black party dress.

Brock looked at the pretty 8th grader barely 5’ tall if that, maybe 90lbs soaking wet. Her curly blonde hair brushed the top of her bare shoulders. The last time they had seen each other was the night her sisters and brother played at the Grand Old Opry in September (Zack and Melisa Reunion). Brock had fucked her gently for most of the night, then saved her from Brad as she slept.

Brock had finally gone to sleep with an exhausted Sarah, her older sister, on a nearby couch. Good memories.

“So nice to see you, Sophia. You look really nice.” He said meaning it, she was a cutie.

She blushed a little and stood there in front of his big mahogany desk. “Thank you,” she replied then was at a loss for words, her eyes looking around the room. “Is that a real sword,” she said pointing to the wall behind the couch and the model 1860 Cavalry saber that hung there.

Brock moved from behind his desk toward the couch in the direction she pointed and stuck out a hand to Sophia, which she took.

“Yes, it belonged to one of my ancestors who fought in the Civil War,” he said as they stood looking at the curved saber in its scabbard on the wall, not going into more details, assuming the 8th grader’s knowledge of the American Civil War was limited.

Brock sat down as Sophia nodded her head at the information while she sat on Brock’s left in the center of the leather couch. He put an arm behind her small waist as she moved to the edge of the couch where her toes barely touched the rug.

Decision point. They had about thirty minutes until the caterers brought in dinner from the food truck parked out front. Go full-on perv or something else? Sophia was not looking at him, but instead at his books as she kicked her white sock-clad feet in their little black shoes back and forth with her hands in her lap.

“Fay,” Brock said to his virtual private personal assistant.

Yes Brock, how can I help you tonight?” the lush female voice responded. “A selection of classic porn for you and your guest perhaps?” Fay asked, its AI algorithm read the situation almost correctly having learned his habits over the years.

“Close Fay. Pull all summer 2029 nudist camp files tagged Sophia and play them on the main monitor then dim the lights.”

The large screen hung over a small gas fireplace directly across from the couch. The study lights dimmed as the big screen powered up and within less than a minute the first images of Sophia at the nudist camp were displayed.

First, innocent images caught on surveillance cameras of Sophia walking around the RVs and trailers nude with family and friends before moving on to darker images. Cut scenes inside the party tent tagged Sophia by the computer showing the naked girl engaged in different activities with club members. He had uploaded the large database of video from the five-day event into his personal cloud server on returning in August and often sat with the video playing in the background as he worked at his desk.

“Thank you, Fay.”

You are welcome, enjoy Miss Sophia,” Fay said.

“Please let me know when the caterers enter the backyard,” he instructed.

“I will. By my estimate they will have dinner ready in 28 minutes,” Fay estimated.

Brock turned his attention to the young girl who was just old enough by the standards of his peers and legal, at least in Tennessee.

He admired the few inches of her chest exposed by her low neckline. The perfectly shaped small round mounds of her breasts. No visible bra just like the other women in her family and in her case not much of a need for one yet. Sophia’s innocent face was framed by her silky fair hair, big brown eyes, naturally pink lips, and cute small nose.

“Do you mind if I touch you, Sophia?” Brock asked, being polite, making sure before he put his hands on her.

Her answer was to stop swinging her legs and lay back further on the couch as her eyes locked onto his face. Sophia flashed him a quick smile and nodded her permission, her eyes not leaving his face.

Brock put a hand on her slender right thigh just below the hem of her dress. She didn’t react to his touch. He pushed his hand further up rubbing along the smooth skin of her thigh until his hand found her panties.

Sophia took a breath and put both her small hands on the couch beside her.

“Does your daddy do this to you?” Brock said, starting a game as he moved his hand higher over the front of her panties seeking her waistband. Her attention was on the screen behind him.

He glanced up at the screen. In the video, the light was low inside the big tent and Sophia clad only in red panties, was on her knees. In front of her was a small group of admirers. Three men and a teenage boy had their cocks out and pointed at her pretty face as they slowly stroked their cocks.

Sophia answered with the honesty of a young girl, not looking at him. “Yes, Daddy does this to me and my sisters though not with Kate so much anymore.”

Brock began to rub her slit through the folds of her cotton panties with his middle finger while watching her face. His cock was growing hard in his slacks and his heartbeat faster as his body reacted flowing blood to his cock. Sophia’s butt squirmed a little on the leather cushion moving side to side as her brown eyes watched his hand.

The videos playing on the screen were without sound. He knew the sound inside the tent was just music and crowd noise for the most part, so the default setting was mute.

“Sit up,” he said as he hooked a couple of fingers over her panties and pulled down. Sophia pushed up with her hands just enough to allow him to slide the cotton down her thighs. As he did he leaned down to kiss her small pink lips.

She seemed surprised at first then opened her small mouth to his returning the kiss. They kissed as he pushed the cotton down to her ankles. Maybe her dad didn’t kiss her when he fingered his daughter. Brock was so much bigger it was awkward with his mouth covering hers, her small tongue finding his as she raised a hand to his chest.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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