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Mike McGifford: Blog


Smartphone limits

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I don't know if it's really a limitation to my phone or if Google Docs is just not up to the task but the story I wrote using said device and word processor got to the point where I couldn't even edit my story anymore...

I meant to edit it, split it into chapters then post it. Ultimately I ended up splitting it into roughly 2 parts and uploaded the first part with 88,000 words.

I can at least say I've finished a story again after a VERY long time. It'll be fun to see if anyone even reads it. My friend Eddie says it's good enough to post so I guess I'll find out!

A staycation?

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The next chapter of The Dream Gets Wetter is in the queue. I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to a weekend posting... it seems that real life has decreed that I should be made busier than bored due to what's happening in the world.

I'm a first responder so there's no rest for me even though we're minimizing what needs to be done to in order to limit our interaction with others. I hope everyone's staying safe and taking this pandemic seriously. There's no telling if or when you OR your immediate family could become a statistic. Please don't be 'THAT GUY' who feels fine and gives the virus to someone else.

The Dream got wetter

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Last week I posted the first chapter of The Dream - Book 2. I had hoped for a little feedback and what I got was Eddie Davidson to the rescue.

He contacted me and said he liked the new chapter but... well Eddie's 'but' started a complete overhaul of the chapter and in fact doubled its size along with making something better than I could possibly have created alone.

I hope to have the replacement chapter uploaded tomorrow morning and I really hope that those of you who like the work of Eddie Davidson will see his hand in everything that changed... including the subtle recap so that this chapter could potentially be read as a stand-alone story for those who simply don't care how things got to where they are in book 2 chapter 1.

Now I'm not sure if the story I upload tomorrow should be listed as a stroke story or not - there's not a lot of blatant rumpy-pumpy but it certainly pushed my buttons and I halfway wrote it! It DOES include a heck of a lot of content that Eddie and I talked about, yet stuff that never made my personal cut in version 1. Stuff I left on the editing room floor and Eddie carefully picked back up, repackaged and made what it was always SUPPOSED to be. So I'll mark it as a stroke story hoping I'm not letting too many readers down. Character motivation is very erotic to me and there's a TON more of it in the new version.

I really hope I get feedback from anyone who bothered to read the first version, so I can ascertain if those people think the new version is as good as I personally believe it to be.

Comments will be enabled but voting won't be for now - haters usually give anything I write a score of 1, about two minutes after it posts, which simply tells me they couldn't have possibly read it and doesn't help me improve at all.

Final Chapter of The Dream

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This is FINALLY the last chapter of The Dream - Book One

Book two has a rough outline, although it's yet to be started... I kind of have a lot going on IRL right now, so to any fans of the story, don't be too upset if book two doesn't get uploaded for some time.

I'd like to write the whole thing before posting any of it but sometimes I get excited about teasing people with a chapter or two so we'll see. Thank you to those who've taken the time to read my obviously mediocre efforts at writing and especially Ed D, without whom my story would be utter trash.

The Dream Chapter 16

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I've just submitted the next chapter of The Dream, warts and all. It kind of went a little over what I'd planned as far as length goes for this chapter but the next chapter is probably going to be quite long as well. That said, things are coming to a head in the family as dysfunction leads to a crazy sort of functionality.

I was worried that the characters would too easily accept and agree with anything dad said but in a way, I've just been along for the ride myself. This whole book has been a prequel to Eddie Davidson's Home Owners Association story. The characters have a life of their own and they tend to surprise me even though I'm the one writing this stuff down. The teens have accepted things that surprised me as much as being rocked by things I thought would be inconsequential.

I really hope those few of you who read it enjoy the chapter and as usual, I'm wide open to feedback.



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