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Mike McGifford: Blog


Another chapter in the queue

Posted at

Well it's taken long enough but I've submitted another chapter of "The Dream". This chapter is different... I wrote it, had it ripped to shreds and put back together by my friend Eddie Davidson then after another set of tweaks, was blown away when another OUTSTANDING author agreed to rectify my 9th grade English abomination.

For example, I was totally unaware that I can use the word "that" a half-dozen times in a single paragraph!

I was hoping my new friend would agree to allow me to rave about her but such is life. I simply could not allow her efforts or Eddie's, to be allowed to fly under the radar because I am so grateful to them both.

I hope their efforts are positively recognized in the score as the story continues but remember, it's still about bondage and submission - a genre to be avoided if you're not interested in seeing lives changed in that way.

Reborn Chapter 2 of The Dream

Posted at

So, this is what happened... I liked chapter 2, but I didn't love it and the original chapter 2 began to totally mess with my plans for chapter 3.

Well, chapter 2 just had to go. So I'm replacing it. The replacement has just been added to the queue. Hopefully it will be considered better than what it's replacing. Fingers crossed and comments welcome!

The Dream

Posted at

I've had a little interest in a story I posted last week so I'm taking a hiatus from another story in progress to add a chapter to The Dream. It's in the queue now.

The score of The Dream sucks as expected but I still welcome comments since feedback can be helpful.

A temporary pause

Posted at

I usually post a new chapter of Spanks on Sundays. Today I didn't because I have had things to take care of that made writing take a back seat. In other words, I have nothing to post today. Hopefully it's just a temporary delay and next week I'll be able to pick up where I left off, but with more vigor than ever. Who knows? Certainly not me. One day at a time.

Thinning the herd

Posted at

Well it's Sunday so the next installment of Spanks for the Memories is in the queue. What's happening in the story is as far outside normal life as it's possible to get, so understandably it's taken a while to get here. Even so, I was surprised myself - I mean what I have so far should have been achieved in just a few chapters but the characters wouldn't cooperate.

Hopefully the pace will begin to pick up again after this chapter. The anchor gets weighed!



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