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Mike McGifford: Blog


Still Negotiating?

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The new chapter of Spanks for the Memories is in the queue. This week there's more negotiation, an epiphany and some changing attitudes.

A lot has happened in 24 hours, although it would seem that a single day is not enough time to convert the male lead into someone who can casually dismiss the wants and desires of others - to become the uncaring hard-ass he needs to be, in order to help the ones that need it tough.

Luckily he has a neighbor who specializes in that, but for now Brian is learning that negotiations have to conclude at some point or he'll never move forward. He IS learning, although he's being schooled as much as the females under his supposed, 'control' are.

Big things are in the pipeline and this chapter is a stage-setter.

Another chapter and a new editor

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The newest Spanks for the Memories is in the queue and there are a few kinda big things in this one.

One of the wonderful readers on SoL recently offered to go through my story with a fine-tooth comb and look for those little things that drive some readers crazy.

This guy wasn't the one listed on the author resource page who has agreed to help, yet has been a little busy with their own life, but rather a regular reader who likes my story and wanted to help make it even better by fixing things that critics notice. As a result, this guy gets to see the rough drafts of chapters go from being pig poo, through the cleanup process to become more like coal (One day I might produce a diamond in the rough but until then, I'm already very happy with what I produce).

I was about to call out this reader for his effort, time, hard work and incredible help in preparing the current chapter. Then I began doubting myself.

Had I asked if it was okay to give such accolades? I thought I had, but for the life of me I can't locate his specific approval to be recognized - and he could be someone that does NOT want the publicity. So instead I sent him a specific message requesting the use of his name as my newest editor. If he says its okay, I really want to give him props.

I read the latest chapter probably half a dozen times and he STILL found more oopsies.

So it's now official. CBEARS52 has ALREADY confirmed that he will happily accept my public appreciation for his efforts, so I'll be able to add his name to the story notes and give him weekly props. Thanks CBEARS52!

It's Sunday, so a new chapter is in the queue

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SftM chapter 15 is in. I briefly considered making it a twofer by uploading 16 as well but there would only be a couple of readers interested in so many pages at once. The story IS moving ahead though. This week Lynette makes a confession and Brian places a lot more trust in his grandson. The future begins to really take shape in this chapter.

Coming up soon in Spanks for the Memories

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I'm sitting at my desk writing. I know there are a dozen other things I SHOULD be doing IRL right now but I got hijacked by one of my story characters at 4am this morning. They've just led me down a path I don't know if I want to travel and I need SoL reader opinions. It doesn't even matter if you've never touched my story!

The following is a raw draft of a few paragraphs I wrote and it's kind of dark. Concerning, may be a more apt description. Leave it in or lighten the mood? Please help, SoL readers!


"What do you think her price is, then? Would she want a new wardrobe, a computer, maybe even a car?" Brian asked, trying to gauge the cost of including Emily in the amended rules.

"College," Amanda said in a single word before continuing. "She's flunking out of school and it's mostly my fault. I accept that, but it doesn't change the fact that she's super smart and she's getting ready to fuck her whole life up by following my example. If she was motivated and didn't have to worry about how she was going to pay for college, I think she'd do just about anything, including getting good grades for her last two years at high school. She might even enjoy some of it. Last month, we talked about getting her on stage with me at a strip club, if that gives you any indication of where her mind's at, daddy," Amanda admitted with a blush.

"I see," Brian said calmly while feeling anything but calm inside. His first thought was the fifty to a hundred thousand dollar price tag that came with a college education. "When you say college, are you talking about those party schools rich parents send their kids, or a school that takes education and career seriously without the exorbitant price tag?"

"It wouldn't have to be an Ivy League school, daddy. Just one that would provide a REAL degree in a REAL field of study. Something that would be useful to a career and not a degree in women's studies or some shit like that, that'd never help her do anything useful with her life."

"Do you consider a community college a real college?" Brian wondered aloud.

"If they're accredited, sure! But even that is never going to happen without someone like you helping. And even then, April is… resistant. She WANTS to be like me. She LIKES hurting others and messing with their lives. And I made her that way. Tough Love was supposed to show her that there's another way. Maybe I need it more than her or maybe it's too late for her already, but it seems to me that she's not getting as much out of this as I am. I'd hoped she would. I'd hoped…" Amanda stopped. Brian could see that his stepdaughter was actually getting truly emotional.

"I understand, Amanda. I really do," Brian said gently, using Amanda's real name - a fact that didn't escape her attention despite her emotional state. "What about you? What is YOUR price?"

"I'm good at sex. Fucking is the ONLY thing I can do well. I can deep throat any size cock and take big old fat schlongs in my ass. I've been in orgies with guys, girls, whatever. And I've done the slave and master thing too. I was good at that. I'm good at following instructions when I get into the right mindset, ya know? Unfortunately those skills don't translate too well to a decent profession. Unless you call whoring a 'decent' profession," Amanda laughed dryly. "You want to know something funny? I've never actually BEEN a whore before, either, daddy. I mean not in the sense of fucking for money. I use relationships to get what I want, not strangers." Strangers are for shitting on and stealing from. So what do I want? I want Emily to be nothing like I turned out."

"And if I said I could figure this all out for you? Would you be in? Would you do your part to force Emily to do what was best for her too or would you quit when it got too hard?" Brian asked earnestly.

"Look, Brian. I can see that you're not screwing with me. I will do whatever I need to, to give Emily another chance. I'd dance naked on the front porch of the White House and screw every Secret Service agent that would have me if that would guarantee Emily's future. Lets not bullshit each other here. Can you save Emily from becoming me or not? If you doubt yourself, I'll know it. It's the only other thing I'm good at." Amanda glared at Brian, daring him to disagree with her.

"And how long would you agree to stay in service to me as a fuck slut bondage whore if I CAN save Emily? Don't you care about having a life of your own at all?" Brian did challenge Amanda.

"If this house was burning to the ground and I knew Emily was inside, I'd run in without a thought for my own safety. If it was you or mom? Probably not. I'm still a selfish cunt but at least I know what I am. I'd love to be something other than what I am and if you can change me, I'm all yours for as long as it takes. But Emily is my immediate priority, okay?"

SftM Chapter 14 is in the queue

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Hi all, Spanks for the Memories Chapter 14 has been uploaded. This week Lynette begins her atonement and raises a few eyebrows with her conduct and ideas. She might be a bible thumper, but she's one I could happily deal with.

Thanks to the reader who encouraged me to post the story as it still stands. I would have given them proper credit for their proofreading and advice, however I neglected to ask their permission to publicly praise them, first. Still, you know who you are and I'm grateful. There was no "religion" code to add when I uploaded, so the story doesn't get new codes - YET. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 15 is already going some place I hadn't really expected it to. It'll be time soon to reign in the characters and get 'em back on script however I'm giving them a little more rope right now...



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